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第三,造假从而以假充真。Third, false and true.

谁导演了美国公司造假丑剧?。Who directed the US company fraud farce?

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这名嫌犯的供称被发现是造假的。The suspect's claim was found to be bogus.

比哈尔邦是否真的在水稻产量上造假了?Did Bihar really lie about this rice claim?

如何举报可疑的税物造假行为?How Do You Report Suspected Tax Fraud Activity?

中国政府允许且鼓励造假。The Chinese government allows and promotes fakery.

桑玉柱已对造假一事予以否认,但拒绝就此作出进一步解释。Sang denied the charge, but refused to explain further.

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从眼睛流露出来的爱情比较不容易造假!The eyes are less likely to fake the outpouring of love!

会计信息造假案此起彼伏,股市人心涣散。Accounting information forge cases rise one after another.

关于年龄造假的指控长期困扰着中国体育。Accusation of age-faking have long plagued Chinese sports.

你是怎么看待高考状元造假的呢?What do you think of cheating in the college entrance exam?

一个造假的民族必然会沦为劣等民族。A fake making nation is bound to deprave an inferior nation.

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我毫不怀疑,他们在楼上忙着在选票上造假。I have no doubt that they were busy rigging the votes upstairs.

而广告商也只是对这些造假站点拒付广告款项。The advertisers just stopped making payments to the fraudulent Websites.

这些造假作者主要是在金属组织结构上进行伪造。Bogus refinements were found for both metal-organic and organic structures.

所以造假酒的人注意了哦,即使是原子也会酒后吐真言的。So beware wine scammers. Because even at the atomic level, in vino veritas.

美元是世界上被造假最多的货币。The US dollar is the world's most dissolve to widely counterfeited currency.

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数年后,该公司再次传出资料造假的疑云.A few years later, it ran into trouble again over accusations of falsifying data.

“推动造假的主要是潜在的巨大利润,”Kopp说。“Counterfeiting is primarily motivated by its potentially huge profits,” says Kopp.

那些先造假帐后来再修改帐本的总裁们,显示出一些非常一致的线索。Executives who later had to revise their books displayed some very consistent clues.