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现在是征服一切成就一番霸业的时候了。Now is the time for totally war.

拥有超高天分的他,如今的唯一问题是----他将成就何等霸业?Now, the only question is how big will he get?

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现在是征服一切成就一番霸业的时候了。Now is your time to overcome all opposition to become shogun.

凭借自身积累的外交经验和恰当的外交策略,晋文公成就了一代霸业。It was the diplomacy experience and correct tactics that led him to success.

当初克拉克是被达格利什以一纸到赛季末的短约邀至身边辅助霸业。Clarke was brought in by Dalglish on a short-term deal to work alongside him until the end of the season.

不过一个健康和强悍的拜纳姆是恰恰是球队上一年所缺少的一把利刃。湖人需要拜纳姆的回归去完成霸业。It remains to be seen how quickly he can go from rehab to peak performance but reintegrating Andrew is a must.

他们的暴力是一种只运用在策略,市场共享,竞争和扩展霸业的方法。Their violence is that of a system that reasons only in strategies, market share, competition and ream of hegemony.

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“予之为取”是管仲的为政原则,对实现齐国霸业起了重要作用。" Giving for Getting" is Guan Zhong s political principle which plays an important role in Qi state accomplishing hegemony.

第二部分研究汉魏之际青徐兖地域的动荡政局以及该地域与曹操霸业的关系。The second section studys the political situation of QR and the relation of QR and the dominant enterprise of Cao Cao in the Han-Wei Dynasty.

处子秀帽子戏法5年之后,鲁尼终于在周末5-0大胜维根的时候完成了自己的百球霸业。Nearly five years after bursting onto the scene with a stunning debut hat-trick, Wayne Rooney hit the century mark in Saturday's 5-0 thumping at Wigan.

他是查普曼最成功的转会之一,1929年转会阿森纳,并帮助枪手成就了整个30年代霸业。Cliff Bastin was one of Herbert Chapman's most successful signings, joining the Club in 1929 and helping the Gunners become the dominant team of the 1930s.

此后,公牛队再接再厉,连续两年将杀入总冠军赛的爵士队斩于马下,完成第二个三连霸的霸业。Thereafter, the Bulls team efforts, the total consecutive years Enters his team was beheaded in the championship race, Even the second three months of the rule of tyrants.