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这都是骗人的鬼把戏。It is all a trick.

那是个聪明的鬼把戏。That's a cute trick.

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日子的鬼把戏也没了!And the juggler of day is gone!

我们很快看穿了他的鬼把戏。We quickly saw through his trick.

我能看穿你的鬼把戏。I can see through your little game.

警察识破了他们的鬼把戏。The police has wised up their game.

这是大自然的鬼把戏?Is this a dirty trick of Mother Nature?

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这是他的鬼把戏,肯定错不了。This is one of his jokes, and no mistake.

那么在愚人节人们会玩什么样的鬼把戏呢?So what kind of pranks do people play on April Fool’s Day?

他以为他能用那些可以一眼看穿的鬼把戏愚弄人。He thought he could fool people with transparent deceptions.

哈巴狗却会很多的鬼把戏,深得主人的宠爱。The lap-dog knew many tricks, and was a great favourite with his master.

我可懒得理会什么情人节。那不过是些公司为了赚钱而搞出来的骗人的鬼把戏罢了。I won't take part in Valentines Day. It's just a cynical plot by companies to make money.

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我怀疑他很本不知道他所信任的下属们正在玩弄的这个鬼把戏。I suspect he is not fully aware of the shenanigans that his "trusted" subordinates are up to.

他耍的鬼把戏里从来没有两天一样的,谁能猜出下个鬼主意是什么?But my goodness, he never plays them alike, two days, and how is a body to know what's coming?

索尼跟与他共事的调查者的鬼把戏,就是想查出来到底发生了什么。The trick for Sony, and the investigators it is working with, is to figure out what really happened.

现在,在内战早已远去的日子里,获取小道信息仍保留着鬼把戏的味道。Now, as in those far-off Civil War days, getting information by the grapevine remains something of a game.

乔·克纳普认为这份信是“垃圾一般的魔鬼把戏”,他建议父亲把它交给警戒委员会。It’s “a devilish lot of trash, ” Joe Knapp Jr. told his father and advised him to give it to the committee.

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我所听到的每个新缩写词原来都是另一个鬼把戏,旨在允许富裕国家照常进行一切活动。I hear turns out to be another dirty trick designed to allow rich countries to go on with business as usual.

大家都听得目瞪口呆。他们回想起这四兄弟在家时的种种恶作剧和鬼把戏。They listened open-mouthed and recalled the pranks and tricks the brothers had played when they were at home.

我们看到有许多关于如何减掉恼人的大肚子的鬼把戏和商业广告,但实际上不存在真对腹部脂肪的神奇子弹。There are a lot of gimmicks and commercials flying around about how to get rid of that pesky, unflattering belly fat.