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帕特拉斯基躺在水沟里。Patrasche lay in the ditch.

他越过一条小水沟抄近道。He leapt over a ditch for a shortcut.

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而小儿子抛的石头则落进了一条水沟里。The youngest son's stone landed in a ditch.

那激流顺山坡而下冲出一条水沟。The torrent scoured a gully down the hillside.

从下水沟时常冒出刺鼻的气味。At times, the smell from the gutter can be rank.

早上有两个人来到了水沟。In the morning two persons came up to the ditch.

拐过一个弯后我们看到有个男人正在没膝深的水沟里挖土。At the turning we see a lone man knee-deep in a ditch.

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急流沿着山腰冲刷出一条水沟。The torrents scoured out a channel down the hill side.

我把开关抛进围绕厨房的水沟里。I pitched the switch into the ditch around the kitchen.

他脱下鞋子涉过了浅水沟。He take off his shoes and wade across the shallow gully.

他脱下鞋子涉过了浅水沟。He took off his shoes and wade across the shallow gully.

农夫从地窖中抽取水至水沟中。The farmer siphoned water from the cellar into the ditch.

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这条水沟是蚊蝇繁殖的地方。This ditch was a breeding ground for mosquitoes and flies.

如果他躺在水沟里就与我无关,我就不会以警察来管他。He can lie in the gutter for all I care! I'm not a policeman.

他又来到了一条水沟边。Then he came to a ditch where a knacker was skinning a horse.

一天,有个打鱼人在水沟里网住了一条小蛇。One day, there was a fishing net in the ditch to live a small snake.

在一大清早,把他丢进水沟,身上再放根水管。Put him in the scuppers with a hosepipe on him, early in the morning.

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今天早上,我发现我的狗,躺在水沟里,叫它都不动了。This morning, I found that my dog, lying in ditches, call not to move.

一个农民和他家人在南兴镇挖水沟,他的儿子在用锄头挖地时,发现了一块环形玉。His son found a circular piece of jade when he dug the field with his hoe.

雨水沿著路边流进有铁栏杆的水沟口。The rainwater ran along the gutter into a grating at the side of the road.