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我可以不花吹灰之力干好那工作。I can do the work standing on my head.

不用吹灰之力,我们就可以享受日出日落。Without lifting a finger, we get to enjoy sunrises and sunsets.

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你将不必费吹灰之力找到大米,面条和饺子。You won't have any problem finding rice, noodles, or dumplings.

亲爱的,我终于对琼斯提了要求增加工资的事。我没有费吹灰之力他一口答应了。Honey, I finally asked Man Jones for my raise. And it was a piece of cake!

就这样,我们的英雄没费吹灰之力就干成了大事。Thus did our hero execute the greatest exploits with the utmost ease imaginable.

乔伊没有费吹灰之力就得到了他现在这份工作,因为他是公司总裁的儿子。Joe got handed his job here on a silver platter because he's the president's son.

在这蓬勃发展之际,对他们而言最重要的即是收益,而且他们不需要费吹灰之力。In the boom, all that mattered to them was ⑤yield, and they did not need help finding it.

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通过这些网站,基地组织领导不会吹灰之力就使世界各地的穆斯林人变得激进好战。Muslims anywhere can become radicalised and join the fight, with little or no involvement from al-Qaeda's leaders.

浏览网页上的丰富内容,在不同网站之间自由切换不用费吹灰之力。Navigating through content-rich pages, "thumbing" from one Web site to another and back again will cease to be such a tedious exercise.

成吉思汗“侵占这个地方简直没费吹灰之力,”他的后代也将阿富汗作为基地,建立了幅员辽阔的王国。Genghis had "no trouble at all overrunning the place, " and his descendants would build wide-ranging kingdoms using Afghanistan as a base.

不用费吹灰之力,仅需以发站内信恭贺某人生日并致以祝福之类的手段,即可维护自己的社会资本。They can build social capital with little effort just by noticing that acontact has posted an update about her birthday today and wishing her well.

到了十九世纪,人们才感到有必要将“很”这一词引进到日常语言中来,以便计算无数的物体,时机一到,“百万”这一词便没费吹灰之力,应运而生了。Not until the thirteenth century was the need felt to introduce into daily language a term suitable for counting "very" numerous objects, and, with little imagination, "million" was coined.

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到了十九世纪,人们才感到有必要将“很”这一词引进到日常语言中来,以便计算无数的物体,时机一到,“百万”这一词便没费吹灰之力,应运而生了。Not until the thirteenth century was the need felt to introduce into daily language a term suitable for counting “very” numerous objects, and, with little imagination, “million” was coined.