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其它还有哪些矢量How about more vectors?

关于其它的事情。Other bits of business.

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期中考试,其它考试The Midterm? The exams?

菠菜和其它绿色蔬菜。Spinach and other greens.

如果那几条对你没有用,也再试试其它的方法。If they don't, try others.

其它鼓励类项目。Other encouraged projects.

真的有人乱画其它力People do draw other forces.

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有并且其它小平面。There are also other facets.

这其它的企业到底怎么了?What happened to the others?

所有其它行都被忽略。All other lines were ignored.

教学大纲里还有很多其它的The syllabus lists many more.

此外还有其它各式各样的水禽。All kinds of waterfowl abound.

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Heymann博士的其它意见Further comments by Dr Heymann

其它工具对OER是惟一的。Other tools are unique to OER.

但对于其它的一切呢?But what about everything else?

对AOSD采用的其它障碍Other barriers to AOSD adoption

位于其它地区的亲戚家Relative Living in Another Area

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其它的小家具来自宜家。The light fixture is from Ikea.

以后还会遇上其它单位Then we'll come to other units.

和其它APT前端下载的软件包。Adept, and other APT front-ends.