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虽然有点偏题,但是还是想回应一下4号评论。I still want to respond the comment 4 even though my comment might be a little irrelevant.

最后的总结句好像有些偏题了,高收入加速社会的发展?In a word, I think high paid personalities will accelerate the development of a society in some degree.

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让听众参与其中也会使你有时间检查自己的思路是否偏题。Having the group involved also gives you time to reorganize your thoughts if things are going off track.

刚开始他的报告与会议的主题相关,但是很快它偏题了。At first, his speech was relevant to the theme of the conference. But very soon, it wandered off the point.

有人说人们出名是为了钱,但是只关注网红们如何圈钱就有点偏题了。Some say people want money from popularity, but focusing on how Internet stars make money is beside the point.

如果她的某位学生在写文章时有夸大其词,或偏题离题的倾向,爱波伦丝太太将会是第一个指出问题的人。If a student were prone to writing overdone, run on, off topic sentences, Mrs. Abrams would be the first one to tell that student.

但是也有不少观众的注意力在对问题的闪避上,特别是当演讲者偏题偏得太远的时候。But other triggers redirect viewers' attention to dodges as well, especially when speakers stray too far from the original question.

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意思就是你创造一个有较少事情会让你分心的区域,或是不会让你偏题和拖延。What this means is that you create a zone where there are few things to distract you. Or tempt you to veer off course and procrastinate.

使用欢快的音乐作为背景音乐或者焦点常常能捉住观众的注意力和提高他们的兴奋度,虽然这个建议有一点偏题。Though deviations to this tip exist, using upbeat music as a background or focus tends to grab the viewer's attention and raise the excitement.

也许我是偏题了,现在这里讨论的是男女教师的教学风格问题。For the second one, I must admit that due to the physiology difference of males and females, there may be some different ways of teaching in class.

2009年重庆中考作文我写的为父亲开门等,写感恩,这算不算偏题。I write Chongqing mid-term exam in 2009 composition whether this calculates a catch question for father opens the door waiting , writes being thankful, or not.

整理所有支持自己观点的资料或相关内容,拟出草稿,然后进行修订,删除所有偏题或无关的信息。Marshal any supporting data or other evidence for your point of view, write a draft, and then revise it, cutting out any distracting or irrelevant information.

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的理解,即什么样的行为会被视为反社会行为,考生往往会在未能准确理解该词的情况下造成偏题的结果。Today there is a large increase in anti-social behavior and lack of respect to others. What are the causes of this phenomenon?What measures can be taken to reduce it?