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奶奶,能让我们去魔窟吗?Grandma, can we go to Devil's Hole?

谁又能相信,比尔太太的面前是一个又一个罪恶的魔窟。Who can believe, Mrs. Bill in front of a sinful den.

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当他走进魔窟时,他依然能保持平静。He could hang loose when he went into the den of vice.

有时教皇的罗马城是腐败肮脏的魔窟。Sometimes papal rome was a den of corruption and uncleanness.

谁又能置信,比尔太太的背后是一个又一个罪恶的魔窟。Who can believe, bill of Mrs. Another is behind sinful snare.

一个幽索在阴黑的魔窟里的灵魂!A soul was held in captivity in the gloomy dark den of monsters!

在她逃出魔窟后,坎普什成为一个公众人物,经常出现在全球的电视选秀节目里。Since her release Kampusch has become a media personality, appearing on television shows around the world.

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我有过经历,那是七月某日下午,在宾夕法尼亚州的利勾尼尔谷,一个叫“魔窟”的地方。Such, for me, was one afternoon in July in the Ligonier Valley of Pennsylvania, at a place called Devil's Hole.

真是上帝保佑,她很快脱离了险境,与老婆走上楼梯,一起逃出了这个杀人魔窟。The old woman went upstairs with her, opened the door, and they hurried out of the murderer's den as fast as they could.

而他现在所注视的正是一个毒蛇洞,摆在他眼前的是个魔窟。Now, it was into a hole of vipers that his glance had just been directed,it was a nest of monsters that he had beneath his eyes.

在过去的十年中,有许多男女青年沦入了中国盖世太保的魔窟,难有逃遁之望。Scores of girls and boys during the last ten years were delivered into the clutches of the Chinese gestapo with little hope of escaping.

那天上午,我和双胞胎哥哥罗杰做完了家务,然后整个一天都没事了。“我们去魔窟吧”,罗杰建议。On that morning my twin brother, Roger, and I had finished our chores, and the whole day lay before us. "Let's go to Devil's Hole, " Roger suggested.