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他是在激将法的鼓动下做这件事的。He did it on a dare.

旋转的鼓动者灌溉他。The rotary agitator irrigated him.

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旋转的鼓动者可灌溉的他。The rotary agitator irrigated him.

旋转的鼓动者使他恼怒。The rotary agitator irritated him.

他被鼓动得与他的老板作对。He was spirited up against his boss.

他鼓动缩短工作时间。He agitates for a shorter working-day.

那白鹭鼓动着翅膀从水面上飞来。The heron came flapping over the water.

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他总是鼓动那孩子做坏事。He always instigates the boy to do evil.

汤姆鼓动吉姆和乔伊吵架。Tom instigated a quarrel between Jim and Joe.

对于少校的指控是鼓动叛乱。The are charging the major with instigating revolt.

被耽延的运鼓动代表团停留在操场上。The delayed player delegine stay on the playground.

这些设计鼓动需求并推进品牌忠诚度。These designs fuel demand and propel brand loyalty.

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她起初还有点犹豫,但他不停的鼓动,直到她答应。She hesitates at first. But he pushes ’til she agrees.

他们开展了强有力的鼓动工作以争取妇女堕胎权。They vigorously agitated for women's right to abortion.

广告和社会暗示鼓动消费者吃了又吃。Advertisements and social cues bombard consumers to eat.

当狗食被鼓动宣传是新的和改进了的口味的时候,是谁作的口味判定?When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it?

大卫做反通货膨胀的演说鼓动听众。David peppered the audience with an anti-inflation speech.

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你们爱搅和鼓动,而且你们爱打开爆裂的系统。You love rabble-rousing, and you love to bust systems open.

他鼓动每个人起来,但是他从来没有设法惊动任何一个教堂。He stirs everybody up, but he never tries to start a church.

并鼓动村里人上演“捉奸”的闹剧。And agitate village person is performed " catch evil " farce.