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他们会使用武力夺取吗?Would they take it with force?

他们用武力逼她工作。They dragooned her into working.

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这个武力展示是给朝鲜看的。That's a show of force to N. Korea.

幸运的是,武力攻城并非他们的计划。Fortunately, that is not their plan.

他思虑着这里的武力。He wondered about the show of force.

它不涉及任何威胁或者武力。There is no threat or force involved.

我们从来没有承诺过放弃使用武力。We have never forsworn the use of force.

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天秤座的人讨厌粗鲁和武力。Libras hate a fight or a rough situation.

清朝政府最终被人们用武力推翻了。Our forces have at last defeated the enemy.

他们说笔锋胜于武力。They say the pen is mightier than the sword.

如果其他手段均告失败,我们将诉之武力。If other means fail we shall resort to force.

中国大陆表示将用武力加以回应。China says it will respond to that with force.

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警察用武力把犯人抓进监狱。The police carted the prisoners off to prison.

他说使用武力是万万不可的。He said the use of force would be inadmissible.

留在我们印象中的是以视觉形式呈现的武力威胁。All we are left with is a threat in visual form.

它不能用金钱买到,或者通过利诱或武力掠夺获得。It cannot be bought, or gained by lure or force.

如果这一努力告败,就会爆发武力行动。If the effort collapses, violence could break out.

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投诉者称某警察滥用武力。The claim is certain officer used excessive force.

我们应主要采取武力方式解决问题。And we should use our military as our principal tool.

我们反对以任何理由使用武力或者以武力相威胁。We oppose the use or threat of force by any claimant.