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扣押一个负债人的工资…Garnishee a debtor 's wages.

法庭扣押某人的财产。The court distrained property from him.

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第四、财产的扣押。Fourthly, property should be sequestrated.

他们的财产被扣押以抵偿租金。Their goods were distrained upon for rent.

印度扣押进入其南海岸的朝鲜船只。India detains DPRK ship off southern coast.

他们可以查封并扣押可疑产品。They may seize and impound suspect products.

他的财产被警方暂时扣押起来了。His property was temporally held by the police.

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他们的财产被扣押下来作租金。Their goods were distrained in pledge for rent.

政府已扣押了那批走私货。The customs officials confiscated the contraband.

那么网站可以踢掉你并且扣押你的奖金吗?So can a site kick you off and keep your winnings?

里面的内容是,集装箱被海关扣押。The content is that container is impounded by custom.

约,负责在新界区的被扣押处所提供护卫服务。Services at distraint premises in the New Territories.

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他们决定扣押他的财产以偿付他的债务。They decided to levy on his property to pay his debts.

金龙被拘捕,并扣押在警局里。Jinlong is arrested and detained in the police station.

孩子们被扣押在地下通道里作人质。The children were detained as hostage in the underground.

如果他不付款,法院会扣押他的房子吗?If he doesn't pay, will the court distrain upon his house?

灵活的成员扣押的振动源。The flexible member is attachable to the vibration source.

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你可能会被耽搁,你的电脑可能会被扣押。You might be delayed. You might have your computer seized.

因我未付税,税务局想扣押我的房子。The Tax Office wanted to levy on my house FOR unpaid taxes.

政府已扣押了那批走私货。The government has confiscated the illegally imported goods.