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他干事很有用率。He gets things done efficiently.

他干事有他的一套。He has his own set way of doing things.

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他是一个非委托干事试点。He was a Non-Commissioned Officer Pilot.

这是有机械加工新干事实在不少。Here is the new stem with machining work aplenty.

执委会干事之年费为港币伍佰元正。EC member annual fee is five hundred Hong Kong Dollars.

在居住单元工作的有男性和女性干事。Male and female Officers will work on accommodation units.

那些干事将检视赛马场看是否适宜比赛。The stewards will inspect the course to see if racing is possible.

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1977年应征入伍,干过文书、专职新闻报道员、新闻干事。In 1977 he was recruited and became secretary, professional reporter.

薛振冰为乐施会北京办事处的活动干事。Based in Beijing, Xue Zhenbing is an Events Officer with Oxfam Hong Kong.

除我自己和那个干事外,再见不到一个红头发的人了。There was not red-headed to be seen except my own and that of the manager.

老实守信、当真长进、干事塌实、积极朝上进步、业余喜好普遍。Honest and trustworthy, serious progress, work hard proactive, hobbies wide.

医生说我疲劳过度,建议我不要再多干事了。The doctor says I'm too tired and has advised me not to take any more work on.

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数学最差的学生竟被选为班级财务干事,真是讽刺。It's ironic that the weakest student in mathematics was elected class treasurer.

竞赛用斗及于此第十六条约定之其他竞赛物品,亦由干事负责派发。The stewards will distribute pipes and other items stipulated in art. 16 herein.

威廉干事大来不慌忙,他老是大大容容地做每一件事。william never works rapidly. He always takes his time in everything that he does.

所有的省长干事已家族男人,而很少有破碎的婚姻。All the governors-general have been family men, and few have had broken marriages.

排位完了以后你居然去干事那里打小报告了。你能不能说下那是为啥?Q. After qualifying you went to the stewards. Can you tell us what that was about?

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遭取消资格者,须将计时卡弃交予干事。The disqualified participant must give up his time-registration card to the steward.

要是咱们的身板不强壮,咱们干事的精力必然会十分痴钝。If our bodies are not strong, our spirit to do thellongs will certainly be quite dull.

请在信封面注明“申请非公务员合约社区干事职位”。Please specify on the envelope "Application for Non-civil Service Community Organizer".