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举人我仰慕您很久了。I admire you for a long time.

王举人也不谦让,一屁股在上首坐了。Without any modesty, Chu Jen Wang sat down in the seat of honour.

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第五章清代山东举人的区域分布研究。Chapter 5 is about the regional distribution of Juren in shandong in Qing dynasty.

字岳庭,善化人。乾隆甲午举人,官隆平知县。Word Yue Ting, Shanhua people. Exams Qianlong Sino-Japanese, the official Ryuhei magistrate.

质库给质举人“质钱帖子”作为赎物凭证。Quality libraries to the quality of lifts, "quality of money post" as a ransom material evidence.

质举人举钱数目较大,还得自己在帐上签名或画押。Exams give money to a larger number of quality, have to own account on the signature or initialed.

一八九八年,一批举人企因通过一系列温和的改良来限制清王朝的专制权力。In 1898, these scholars tried to limit the despotic powers of the Manchus by a series of mild reforms.

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根据家谱的记载,我的先祖是清末一名举人。According to my family record, my late grandfather was a second degree candidate in the provincial examination.

各州选民投票选举承诺支持某位总统候选人的"选举人"。Instead, they vote within each state for a group of "electors" who are pledged to one or another presidential candidate.

我接受了最终的结果,下星期一,这个结果会在选举人团会议上得到确认。i accept it. I accept the finality of this outcome which will be ratified next monday in the electoral college? and tonight?

质举人持钱赎物,也要在帐上注明赎付的时间,并予勾销。Exams held ransom money, quality goods, but also in the account to pay for the time indicated on redemption, and I write off.

原则上,在2000年那场大选中,应该有四个选举人,因为你可以投出四种选票So in principle, in that election in 2000, there was at least four candidates, as it were, four things you could do with your vote.

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他为康熙秀才、雍正举人,乾隆进士。曾任山东范县、潍县知县。He wAS the most successful candidate in the highest imperial examination and had served AS a county magistrate in Shandong Province.

有一次,他和一个同乡的儿子一同到京城,去参加举人的考试。Once he went to the capital city with the son of one of his fellow villagers to take the imperial examinations at the provincial level.

质举人大多都是劳动群众或城市贫民,他们的质物都是绢布衣物等日常生活用品。Quality lifts, mostly working people or the urban poor, and their quality of material is raw silk clothing, daily necessities and so on.

在选举团制度下,每个州指定一定数目的"选举人"来推选总统。It is the winner of the Electoral College, a system by which each state appoints a certain number of “electors” who then choose the president.

举人自代制度、冬荐制和县令举是唐代几项主要白勺荐举制度。Recommendation of successor, winter recommendation and recommendation of county magistrate are major recommendation forms during the Tang Dynasty.

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王举人旁若无人顾自地吃菜、喝酒。周进目不斜视,继续批学生的作业。Chu Jen Wang ate up all the food and drink without inviting Chou Chin to join him, so Chou Chin continued to work without a glance at Chu Jen Wang.

如果特朗普的危害仅限于插科打诨所带导致的难堪倒还算好了。在大选之前,在选举人团投票之前,川普就已经对美国造成了不可估量的破坏。If joy Trump's damage could be limited to embarrassment about buffoonery. Already before the electoral college has even voted Trump has immeasurably damaged the USA.

本研究的贡献在于,以历史法和统计法等多种方法相结合,廓清了清代江西解元和举人分布的共时态、历时态特点。Contribution of this dissertation is to comb out the Characteristics of distribution of Jie-yuan and Ju-ren in Jiangxi with a conjunct method of history and statistics.