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地中海的明珠。The Mediterranean jewel.

明珠莫投暗。Cast not your pearls before ne.

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你是否曾经明珠广场吗?Have you ever been Mingzhu square?

陶瓷品,东方艺术的明珠。Ceramics, the pearls of oriental art.

还君明珠双泪垂。Returning the pearls with tears running.

沧海月明珠有泪,蓝田日暖玉生烟。Time tear on Pearl Lam Tin On Zhao smoke.

我是张导,欢迎来到上海市东方明珠塔。I'm Zhang Nan Ye, Wellcome go to Shanghai!

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与董明珠一样,温图尔认为自己从不出错。Like Dong, Wintour thinks she is never wrong.

塘沽是渤海湾上的一颗璀璨的明珠。Tanggu is a shining pearl over the Bohai Bay.

UCU是乌克兰教育系统中的一颗明珠。UCU is a jewel in Ukraine's educational system.

一颗纯洁璀璨的明珠就卧在清澈溪底。In a clear stream lies an untouched bright pearl.

那就是为什么人们称西湖为一颗灿烂夺目的明珠。That's why people call West Lake a dazzling pearl.

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东方明珠是南京青岛旅游价格的标志性建筑。The oriental peal tower is a landmark of shanghai.

欢迎光临明珠香榭尔国际大酒店。Welcome to Mingzhu Xiangxieer international hotel.

美轮美奂的东方明珠塔让我们感到震撼。We are amazed by the grandeur of the Oriental Pearl.

正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星。They were like bright pearls and star in an azure sky.

正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星。They were like bright pearls or stars in an azure sky.

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运城盐池,是河东地区一颗璀璨的明珠。Yunchen salt pond is a bright pearl in He Dong region.

宛如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天中的星星。They were like bright pearls and stars in an azure sky.

香港永远是祖国的一颗璀璨明珠。Hong Kong is forever a shinning pearl of our motherland.