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那就早点动手吧。Do it early in the day.

我想早点跟她会面。Let's meet with her early.

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早点离开这个世界,避免命运的安排。Die early and avoid the fate.

任性的小孩──早点上床睡觉。Cranky kid -- earlier bedtime.

我们原期待你早点来。We were expecting you earlier.

他们仅仅想要早点回家而已。He or she just wants to go home.

我要早点去睡觉了。再见。I'm going to bed early. Bue-bye.

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假若可能的话,尽量早点启碇。Try to start early, if possible.

他们决定早点出发。They determined on an early start.

来早点,你会见到刘德华的。Come early and you'll see Andy Lau.

她的早点通常是蛋炒饭。Egg and rice is her usual breakfast.

只有阿基里斯宁愿他早点死。Only Achilles would prefer his death.

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当他们是小孩的时候尽量早点开始教他们。Start as early as when they are tots.

你方的钻机能否早点交货。Could you deliver the drillers sooner?

希望早点辞职不做算了。Hope to resigns and does not do early.

来早点,你会见到刘德华的。If you come early, you'll see Andy Lau.

请原谅我没能早点来。Please pardon me for not arriving soon.

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开会记得准时,能早点到更好。Be on time to meetings-early if you can.

可惜我们不能早点完成。Unfortunately we cannot make it earlier.

好遗憾啊!我应该早点来的。What a pity! I should have come earlier.