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这是一条向里弯曲的曲线。This is an inward curve.

从供应曲线上面跳下去吧!Go jump off a supply curve!

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剂量存活曲线呈现-“肩区”。The dose survival curve of E.

在场景视图的贝塞尔曲线。Bezier Line in the Scene View.

二次曲线的准线。The directrix line of a conic.

那么这个曲线是什么样的?What does the curve look like?

根据一个Quora上的曲线"。According to a thread on Quora.

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根据退磁曲线估计其居里点为500℃左右。It's curie point is about 500℃.

它被扭弯成一条扭曲的曲线。The act of twisting or turning.

得到了这条曲线。That's the curve that I got out.

它等于价格曲线斜率的一半It's half the slope of the price.

这允许你绕过共存曲线。So that allowed you to go around.

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所以没有特定的曲线。There is no preferred orientation.

我们并不在共存曲线上。We're not on the coexistence line.

股骨内侧弧的曲线是抛物线。Femoral lateral arcs are parabolas.

他打出了一个曲线球,并因此赢得了一分。He bunt a curve and scored a point.

如何脊柱侧弯的脊柱曲线?。How Does Scoliosis Curve the Spine?

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在这,这是一条曲线COh, here. So, I have this curve C'.

该动画曲线所在关键帧的值。The value of the curve at keyframe.

这是气相中的非线性曲线。This nonlinear one in the gas phase.