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你是说你不喜欢地瓜泥吗?You said you don't like yams?

我把地瓜园围起来。I surrounded the sweet potato field.

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我要吃削了皮的地瓜。I want to eat a peeled sweet potato.

山村的地瓜是我最不能忘怀的。I can't find the root of the sweet potato.

爸爸更聪明,他拿了一个地瓜用那个拨着吃。Dad was even smarter, he got some kumara and used that.

山村的地瓜是我最不能忘怀的。Village of the sweet potato is the most I can not forget.

谢谢妳请我吃晚餐。这些地瓜薯条真的太棒了。Thanks for treating me to dinner. These sweet potato fries are awesome.

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战胜国无情地瓜分了战败国,每个都得到了相等的份额。The victors mercilessly carved up the defeated country, each taking an equal share.

地瓜形状像胰腺,可以调节糖尿病患者的血糖指数。Sweet potatoes look like the pancreas and actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics.

我公司长期供应各种规格各种包装的地瓜,欢迎各界朋友来电来函洽谈业务!We can supply all kinds of pachyrhizus. If you want to order . You can contact us all the time.

目的分析海地瓜的营养成分,探讨其降血脂功能。Objective To analyse the nutrients of Acaudina leucoprocta and explore its hypolipidemic effect.

她居住在这个社区最贫困的村庄之一,靠种植水稻和地瓜生活。She lives in one of the poorest villages in the commune and makes a living growing rice and sweet potato.

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最贫穷的家庭,一年之中有好几个月完全缺米,只能吃番薯和地瓜。The poorest families would not have any rice for several months of the year, eating only yams and tubers.

我们先到了元祖一起动手做蛋糕,然后去了农场挖地瓜和萝卜。We went Canso to make a cake in the morning, then we went to the farm digging the sweet potatos and radish.

它长得上大下小,就像我洗澡用的“莲蓬头”,又象大家都吃过的地瓜。It looks great under the small, as I take a bath with the "shower", and as we all tasted the sweet potatoes.

他们将橙色地瓜的营养功能广而告之,声称其能够“抵抗疾病,强健体格,滋润皮肤、促进健康”。They advertised its ability to "fight diseases, make you strong, clear your skin and make you look healthy".

其中白萝卜、地瓜叶、大白菜、青菜等超标严重。The nitrate content of radish, pachyrhizus, cabbage and greengrocery is much higher above the required limit.

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地瓜富含醣类、膳食纤维,以及寡糖类跟丰富的维生素A跟C。Sweet potatoes contain carbohydrates, dietary fiber, oligosaccharides and generous helpings of vitamin A and C.

地瓜糖,福建宁德一带食品。是用“新种花”地瓜与麦芽做成。Sweet potatoes, sugar, Fujian Ningde area of food. Is the "new planting flowers" made of sweet potatoes and malt.

不过古斯塔夫森认为推广食用橙色地瓜的行动会有较大的胜算。But Mr. Gustafson sees a better chance for the efforts to increase the popularity of the orange sweet potato in Africa.