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不要剪发,只要修面。No haircut, just a shave.

所以我剪发免费,染发也免费。So I get free haircut, free hair colours.

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剪发前你需要洗发吗?Before the tonsure , you need to wash send?

发型设计师是为人们设计并剪发的人。A hair stylist cuts and styles people's hair.

乔佛特正在为他的儿子泰勒支付剪发费用。Goepfert was paying for his son Tyler 's haircut.

我想剪发,发梢稍微向上卷一点儿。I'd like a haircut with the ends curled up a little.

我们都希望有漂亮的发型,而一切都要从剪发开始。We all want great hair, and it starts with a haircut.

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梅州市。梅江区哪里有卖剪发用具?Meizhou. Meijiang where the sale of hair cutting tools?

今天我去理发店剪发。Today, I got a haircut, and after thanking the stylist I went up front to pay.

那次剪发将我原本齐腰长的头发剪短到了齐肩长。The cut took my nearing-my-waist hairstyle and brought it up to shoulder length.

这就是黑人拥有的理发店不仅仅提供剪发服务的原因。This is why black-owned barbershops increasingly offer more than just a haircut.

那种不常剪发、沉迷于诗词、爱思考艺术的嬉皮士。The kind of hippy that gets infrequent haircuts and ponders poetry and thinks about art.

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大部分的发型设计师们会参加一些有关发型和剪发技巧的转变的研讨会。Most hairstylists take seminars continually as hair styles and cutting techniques change.

“高级债务中连剪发都没有,更不会有主权债务”,Rehn先生宣称。There will be no haircut on senior debt, not to speak of sovereign debt, ” declared Mr Rehn.

还有这些年出门在外参差不齐的剪发,终在舟山又找到了满意的师傅。And all these years out of uneven haircut, the end in zhoushan and found satisfactory teacher.

我们寻找塑料剪发用夹子和剪子,我们希望使用我们自己的品牌商标。We are looking for plastic haircutting clips and haircutting shears that we can use for our private label brand.

头发每个月长12毫米,如果一个人从不剪发,头发会长至107厘米才开始脱落。Hair grows about 12mm per month. If a person never has his hair cut, it would grow to a length of about 107cm before falling out.

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头发每个月可长12毫米,如果一个人从不剪发,头发会长至108厘米才开始脱落。Hair grows about 12 mm per month. If a person never has his hair cut, it would grow to a length of about 108 cm before falling out.

通过剪发后层级之间的差距,隐隐突出颜色的变化,强调颜色和发型的和谐,并利用明暗度的区别,表现冷色系和温色系之间的区别。Cutting layers can make people look more attractive, and we keep balance of warm color and cold color series through brightness difference.

一个英国女人一生中花在洗发、做发型、剪发、染发、烫发以及拉直头发上的时间将近两年之多。She will spend the equivalent of just under two YEARS of her life washing, styling, cutting, coloring, crimping and straightening her locks.