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滚石乐队的布赖恩?琼斯因为毒品被下狱。Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones was jailed for drug offences.

那豪宅的主人下狱之后,状况如何?How was it after the master of the mansion was put into prison?

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根据草案,一旦巫婆预言失败,将有可能面临罚款甚至下狱。Under the Bill, once the witches prophecy fails, it may face fines and even jail.

这些损害可能被授予是否诽谤本身可或下狱惩罚性赔偿。Such damages may be awarded whether the defamation is actionable per se or per quod.

1996年,以色列公民阿扎姆·阿扎姆在埃及受到间谍罪指控,被判下狱。Azam Azam, an Israeli citizen, was imprisoned in Egypt in 1996, accused of espionage.

他被下狱因为他秘密结了婚的偶力,和罗马人的皇帝法律相反。He was imprisoned because he secretly married couples, contrary to the laws of the Roman emperor.

数十名维权人士下狱,有些还遭地方官员雇佣的恶棍殴打。Dozens of activists have been jailed, and some have even been beaten by thugs hired by local officials.

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那些债权人一旦得到法院的判决,就可依照维蒙特的债务法使你下狱。Once the creditors obtained a judgment, they could have you thrown into pri son under Vermont ' s debtor' s law.

被告伊斯汀,你必须下狱服刑,从而能有时间反省一下自己所干的那些使你身陷囹圄的犯罪勾当。Eastin, you will go to prison where you will have time to reflect on your own activities which brought you there.

他同样地是不愉快的在他费迪南的治疗中,对他的女儿带领他然后使奴役他下狱和。He is similarly unpleasant in his treatment of Ferdinand, leading him to his daughter and then imprisoning and enslaving him.

宗教信仰只能按当局的旨意办,男人会因为胡子不够长而下狱。Religion can be practiced only as their leaders dictate . A man can be jailed in Afghanistan if his beard is not long enough.

阿丽西娅正在丈夫因性丑恶闻和政体事情下狱后,又做起了辩白辩护律师的成本行,。When her husband is jailed after a very public sex and corruption scandal, Alicia returns to her old job as a defense attorney.

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老监狱旅馆提供了一个典型的19世纪监狱的阴森氛围,如果你想体验一下下狱的觉患上,来这搭绝对于没错。The old jail hotel provides a typical eeriness tone in 19 century, if you want to experience this feeling, it will be a nice travel to here.

卡斯特雷萨纳谈及这位证人,回忆道,“有了这些证词,我们就可以逮捕这位政治反对派领袖,并将他下狱。”Castresana, speaking of the witness, recalled, “With this testimony, we could have arrested the leader of the political opposition and put him in jail.

经历过自卑的人们会感觉到“下狱”,但是可能会有一扇敞开的牢门,没有任何人强制他们呆在里面。People who experience low self esteem feel imprisoned but there is a likelihood of the prison doors being wide open without anyone imposing their stay in there.

你“下狱”了,充满着不安全感,不爱冒险,减少和别人的沟通交流,这些都让本对你个人成长和发展有用的各种各样的机会受到了限制。You become IMPRISONED with the feelings of insecurity, take fewer risks, communicate less and this restricts various opportunities available for your personal growth or development.