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玛丽今天早上打电话来告病假。Mary called in sick this morning.

玛丽此日早上打电话来告病假。Mary cingled in sick this morning.

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请病假,翘课,忘记你的同事!Skip class. Forget your colleagues.

他请了为期三天的病假。He asked for a three-day sick leave.

必要时你可以打电话请病假。If necessary, you might call in sick.

我能问一下假期和病假的情况吗?Can I ask the vacation and sick leave?

我能问一下假期和病假的情况吗?Can I ask about the vocation and sickly?

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不要请病假好几日,除非真的生病了。Don\'t take days off sick-unless you are.

有几个员工打来电话请病假。Some staff called to ask for sick leaves.

我能问一下假期和病假的情况吗?Can I ask about the vocation and sick leave?

除病假外,我永不缺课。人人都把我看作是一个模范生。Everybody looked upon me as a model student.

藉故请病假往他处工作者。Going to other place to work using sick leave.

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病假工资从生病第一天起执行。Sick pay inures from the first day of illness.

这是你一星期的病假单。This is your sick-leave certificate for a week.

所以他打电话向王先生请病假。So he telephoned Mr. Wang to ask for sick leave.

她患了重感冒,所以请了病假。She takes a sick leave, because she had a bad cold.

总是请病假的人真是恶心到极点!Those who always speak ill of the absent are the pits.

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哎呀,导游哈维。我们休病假还不行吗?道格拉斯会理解我们的。Oh Harvey. Can't we take a sickie? Douglas will understand.

不想仅仅告病假,他决定刺伤自己。Rather than just calling in sick, he decided to stab himself.

一些员工对于新的病假制度抱怨连连。Some staff members grumbling about the new sick-leave policy.