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他颇有口才,讲题是“慈善”。The subject of his sermon was charity.

他的长篇演讲把讲题都弄混了。His long lecture confused about the topic.

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目下现古您们该当正在做末了一讲题了。You should be working on the last question by now.

出于你的安全考虑,你最好坐飞机去昆明。讲题组◆课内题例与课后题。You'd better fly to Kunming for the sake of your safety.

讲题,或许是每篇演讲最常被忽略的部分。Perhaps the most neglected part of any speech is the title.

他颇有口才,讲题是“慈善”。He was tolerably eloquent. The subject of his sermon was charity.

真正的好讲题能够让听众说出「我想去听听那篇演讲」这样的话。A real good title can make listeners say, "I'd like to hear that speech."

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总之,等选定讲题后可以进一步探讨。Anyway, we can discuss that in great detail when you've got your subject chosen.

此部份提供课程讲稿的讲题及对应的阅读分派。This section provides the course's lecture topics and corresponding reading assignments.

,我在我的讲题里,随机扫描了一些,现在开始讨论点积。I scan it a little bit in a random way over my topics, so let's now talk about dot products.

谭博士以「网络的力量」为讲题,和同学分享「成功之道」。Dr Tam spoke on the topic "The Power of Network" and shared with students "the road to success".

他的妻子问及他的讲题,他要是供认他应邀讲性知识的话,他会无地自容的。His wife asked about his topic, but he was too embarrassed to admit that he had been asked to speak about sex.

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主办机构有权更改研讨会讲题、内容、时间及主讲嘉宾,而毋须作事前通知。The Organisers reserve the right to alter the topics, contents, time and speakers of the programs without prior notice.

由于教会对上一周的讲题是关于十一奉献,这些牲畜刚好是一位新会友所养的家畜的十分之一。The previous week's sermon had been on tithing, and these animals represented one tenth of a new member's flock and herd.

她从高高的神坛跌落,变成了一个乖乖听我讲题的小女孩。Having fallen from the high and holy position, she turned into an obedient small girl listening to my explaining questions.

老师在台上讲题,底下传来改错的沙沙声,我的手也在动,可脑子里却是不尽的悲哀。Topic teacher on the stage, came under the rustling of error correction, my hands are moving, can not the brain is actually sad.

有了网络,我就再也不用怕爸爸妈妈工作忙而抽不出时间来为我讲题了。Had the network, I on do not need to fear again father and mother worked busily cannot extract the time to come to explain a subject for me.

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中国神学研究院前教务长李思敬博士为「毕业礼赞」担任讲员,与师生分享「人算甚麽」的讲题,并向准毕业生送上真摰祝福。Dr. Stephen Lee, Former Dean of the China Graduate School of Theology, spoke on the theme of "What is Man?" and sent his warm blessings to students.

我已发展出一些以激励学生的讲题,有关的主讲都是现今青少年相当困扰的,我同时也是一些法人组织的演讲人。I have developed talks to relate to and encourage students through topics that challenge today's teenagers. I am also a speaker in the corporate sector.

今天我将设法追踪一些关系让你们使用,我不妨这样说,这些关系的获得是重要而且基本,在形成我们今年的讲题。I am going to try today to trace out for your use some relations that, I would say, are essential and fundamental to secure at the beginning what constitutes our subject this year.