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酸枣加白糖,安眠大帮忙。Sugared wild jujube brings people sound sleep.

第二天,海天给了乐儿几个酸枣。The next day, the sea gave both some zizyphus jujube.

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我是个算命的先生,我也卖过酸枣、落花生什么的。Once I was a vender of sour dates , ground-nuts and what not.

我也卖过酸枣,落花生什么的,那可是先前的事了。Once I was a vender of sour dates, ground-nuts and what not. But that was ages ago.

干旱导致的过早停止生长是酸枣植株矮小的主要原因。The main reason which wild jujube was short under drought was because growing was stopped earlier.

目的观察酸枣叶提取物对中枢神经系统作用。Objective To study the pharmacological effects of the Ziziphus jujube leaf extract on central nervous system.

通过试验比较,探明了酸枣和西吕枣的最佳生根条件。Through the comparative experiment, the optimum rooting conditions for Sour jujube and Xilüjujube were studied.

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从混交情况看,南酸枣套种紫穗槐是一种很好的造林方式。Mixing Choerospondias axillaris with Amorpha fruticosa together was found to be a good method for afforestation.

这一日,林冲带了娘子张氏和使女锦儿,来酸枣门外狱庙里烧香还愿。One day, Lin Ch'ung took his wife, Mrs. Lin, and their maidservant, Chin Erh, to a temple outside of Sour Date City Gate.

探讨以野生酸枣为原料开发研制高品质野生酸枣发酵酒的酿造工艺。The production techniques of high-quality wild sour jujube fruit wine with wild sour jujube as raw materials were investigated.

不像北平那样既复杂而又有个边际,使我能摸着——那长着红酸枣的老城墙!Peiping is complicated and yet tangible. I can feel it by touch. I can feel the red wild jujubes growing on its ancient city wall!

不象北平那样既复杂而又有个边际,使我能摸着——那长着红酸枣的老城墙!However, Peiping is complicated as well as tangible. I can feel it by touch, for example, the red axillaris growing on the ancient city wall.

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以枸杞叶、酸枣叶、柿子叶、银杏叶为原料,开发研制出具有保健作用的系列叶茶。Health-beneficial leaf drinks are developed with Chinese wolfberry leaf, wild jujube leaf, persimmon leaf and ginkgo leaf as the raw materials.

从1984年起,笔者对南酸枣进行了造林对比试验。通过试验对该树种的造林立地、造林时间、造林方法得出了结论。The Comparing test on the afforestation of Choerospondias axillaris started in 1984 revealed the proper site, time and method for afforestation.

对云南热区的团花、山桂花、云南拟单性木兰、红木荷、西南桦、高阿丁枫、南酸枣7个乡土阔叶树种的种子采集与处理技术进行了研究。Experiments were conducted to study the technology of seed collection and treatment of 7 indigenous broad-leaved tree species in tropical Yunnan.

灵之秀酸枣芽茶具有不影响睡眠的显著特点,富含维生素C和抗氧化物质,具有抗衰老、抗自由基损伤的作用。Ling Zhixiu wild mountain tea does not influence negatively on sleep. It is nourished of vitamin C and anti-ox substance which can delay old and feeble.

通过单因素和正交试验对野生酸枣发酵酒的浸汁条件、酵母添加量、澄清条件等进行研究。The extraction conditions, yeast addition level, clarifying conditions of wild sour jujube fermenting wine were studied by single factor test and orthogonal test.

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另外,周边地区盛产优质棉核桃、野生酸枣、山楂等干果,年产量可达7万余吨。In addition, the sur-rounding areas abounds in high-quality cotton walnut, wild jujube, hawthorn, and other dried fruit, with annual output of up to 7 million tons.

但是,就单位花生种植面积而言,花生南酸枣间作与花生单作处理之间水土流失并没有显著性差异。But there was no significant difference between the peanut-only system and the alley cropping system in terms of soil and water losses per unit area of peanut grown.

蒙山脆枣为酸枣向栽培枣过渡的中间类型,在蒙阴当地栽培条件下,产量明显高于其它品种,表现出较好的抗旱性。Mengshancui jujube was the middle type between wild jujube and Chinese jujube, its drought resistance abilities and yields in Mengyin were higher than other varieties.