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楼道里禁止奔跑!No running in the hall!

在田野上奔跑。Running ober the fields.

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让你的思想肆意奔跑。Let your thoughts run wild.

如果连奔跑都没有风。If even running are no wind.

他们热爱奔跑,也喜欢四处漫步。They love to gallop and roam.

还有迎风奔跑的旋律。Melady of running in the wind.

瞪羚在奔跑时不时地齐足跳行。Gazelles often hop when running.

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正在奔跑的马匹无法钉蹄铁。One cannot shoe a running horse.

这只鹿奔跑越过开阔的原野。The deer coursed the open field.

我必须要辨明它,且放胆奔跑。I must identify it, and then run.

就像你从未跑过步一样奔跑。Run like you've never run before.

马以全速奔跑。The horse galloped at full speed.

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他凌驾于其他奔跑者。He outdistanced the other runners.

受到惊吓奔跑的食蚁兽?How about a stampede of aardvarks?

她一面奔跑,一面尖声叫着马吉的名字。Screaming Marki's name, she ran on.

随后,它顺着湿漉漉的山谷奔跑起来。It began running down the wet valley.

早上,它常跟在我后面奔跑着追赶我。It often runs after me in the morning.

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他奔跑,传球,挡球,完全像个球星!He ran, he passed, blocked like a star.

多多,让我们奔跑,一直这样奔跑下去。Duoduo, let's run, running all the time.

他认为,奔跑使我们变成现在这样。He believes running made us what we are.