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但是现在木已成舟。But we are where we are.

木已成舟。That what's done is done.

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嘿,木已成舟。别再责怪自己了。Hey, the die is cast. Stop blaming yourself.

虽然母亲非常生气,但是木已成舟。Mother was very angry but what’s done is done.

现在再改变已经来不及了,木已成舟。It's too late to change it now. What's done is done.

好了,我知道这只是个意外,但是,木已成舟啊。耶。OK, I know we didn't plan this, but I'm on board. Yeah.

先好好想想再回答,因为你一决定,就木已成舟了。Think before you answer, for it shall be done as you decide.

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但这篇文章的长度,大局已定,木已成舟!But for the length of this article, the die is already cast !

但木已成舟,说难过也于事无补了。But the damage is done now. Saying sorry won’t mend anything.

你就不能反悔了,已成定局了,木已成舟了。You can't go back on that, you've decided, the decision was made.

这已经是木已成舟的事情了,因此我们还是提前开始计划细节部分吧。It's a done deal so we can go ahead and start planning the details.

事到如今木已成舟,你再训斥他也没有用了。What's done is done. Further reprimanding him will not fix anything.

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木已成舟,无论你多么渴望,想再多也是没用的。What’s done is done, no matter how hard you wish or how much you think about it.

但当木已成舟以后,他并没有找到一个金蛋,然而他的珍贵的鹅已经死了。But when the deed was done, not a single golden egg did he find, and his precious Goose was dead.

我昨晚才听到些风吹草动,现在就木已成舟了,太难让人接受了。I heard about it last night a little bit and then it came to fruition, it was a tough one to swallow.

可是,木已成舟的事实已摆在眼前,盖拉德认为欧足联不会更改处罚决定。However, the facts clearly see what a done deal, Gaillard that UEFA will not change the penalty decision.

更为重要的是,与其等待一切都已木已成舟时再来修改,不如趁着分析阶段的时候找出问题所在及时修补来得更加及时和经济。What's more, it's usually much quicker and cheaper to fix a problem or misunderstanding at the analysis stage than it is when the "finished product" is delivered.

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但是木已成舟,她觉得唯一能为自己讨回公道的方法是跟踪她的丈夫和她的情人,收集他们出轨的证据。But after the news finally sunk in, she decided that the only way to receive justice was to track down her husband and his mistress and gather evidence about their affair.