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狄拉克性情古怪、难于相处。Dirac was an odd and difficult man.

求人帮忙实在叫他难于启齿。I'll find the people to help do it.

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那匹马已完全难于控制了。The horse got completely out of hand.

脾气暴躁的烈马是难于驾驭的。It is difficult to rein a fiery horse.

这对大多数人来说都是一个难于启齿的话题。It's an awkward subject for most people.

而且野德也有点难于被控制。They are also a little too hard to control.

基于定位的潜力令人难于置信The Incredible Potential of Location-Based News

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你可能觉得难于上青天。You may think that it’s too difficult to move on.

难于在较短时间内摄取许多信息。It is difficult to assimilate a lot of information.

没有时间狩猎这些令人烦扰、难于捉摸的仙女、精灵吗?No time to hunt for those annoyingly elusive Pixies?

有两个入口的房子难于看守。A house with two entrance-doors is difficult to guard.

这一类情况可能是最难于处理的。This is probably the most difficult category to handle.

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她直想哭,觉得难于抑制。She found it difficult to conquer an inclination to cry.

使变得难于看见,听见,或理解。Obscure-to make it difficult to see, hear, or understand.

老师讲清了故事中比较难于理解的部分。The teacher has cleared up the harder parts of the story.

颅底软骨肉瘤可能与脊索瘤难于鉴别。Skull base chondrosarcomas may be confused with chordomas.

海伍德感到难于向菲利普解释他的信念。Haywood found it difficult to explain his beliefs to Philip.

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行路难,难于山,险于水。It is difficult to walk, difficult mountain, risks in water.

捆绑使用户更难于选择需要的服务。Bundling makes it harder for users to pick services they want.

即使斯宾塞的最坚强的信徒也难于再前进了。Even the stanchest of Spencer's followers will not go farther.