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标准轨距?。Standard Gauge?


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这是这些天来他回答关于北京印象问题的标准答案,“我还是想念自行车。”I miss the bicycles.

标准普尔500指数上升15点。S&P 500 up 15 points.

要求高标准。Demand high standards.

指定您的标准。Specify your criteria.

降低你的标准。Lowering your standards.

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这一洞的的标准杆是四杆。This is a par-four hole.

标准事件的挂钩。Hooks for standard events.

什么是标准纱绞?What is the standard hank?

但是什么是标准的数据呢?But what about normal data?

配上标准的美音,我真的觉得很爽!I'm feeling like a new man!

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这看上去是标准的契约书。Look like a standard lease.

这服务不太合标准。The service was borderline.

那就是格林威治标准时间。That is Greenwich Mean Time.

这篇散文不合标准。The essay is below the mark.

金属木杆现在是标准用杆。Metal woods are now standard.

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东部标准时间下午五点前通过电子邮件提交。Submitted by e-mail by 5 p.m.

应该使用什么标准?What standard should you use?

一种方法是降低标准。One way is to lower standards.