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哦,你是个不自觉的仆从。Oh, you are an unconscious henchman.

巫妖王在看著我们这些仆从!The Lich King watches over us minions!

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对一张仆从卡制作3点伤害并冻结它。Deal 3 damage to a character and Freeze it.

女王身边总有仆从跟随。The queen was always surrounded by her attendants.

接下来的时间他恩准他的仆从们休息。Then was the hour in which he granted rest to his servants.

他跪倒在达斯·西迪厄斯面前,宣告成为西斯的仆从。He knelt before Darth Sidious, proclaiming himself to be a servant of the Sith.

无论是仆从钥匙或者ATM卡,从用户角度来看都是对OAuth很好的比喻。Both the valet key and ATM cards are good metaphors for OAuth from a user perspective.

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我们非常详细地知晓阿努纳奇和他们的仆从们用来操纵真相的方式。We know in detail what the Anunnaki and their minions have used to manipulate the truth.

现在,奥库斯花时间重建了他的军队并重新培养他的仆从。Now, Orcus spends his time rebuilding his armies and cultivating his servants on the Prime.

他遣散姬妾仆从,在圣旨到来之前,就非常“及时”地郁郁而死了。He dispersed concubines and servants, “timely” died of grief before the proclamation arrived.

他权倾州县,家资豪富,妻妾成群,仆从众多。County right to dump his family owned the rich and powerful, Wives and Concubines, many proxy.

帕特罗克勒斯希腊一勇士,阿希莱斯的仆从和朋友,在特洛伊战争中被赫克特耳杀死。A Greek warrior, attendant, and friend to Achilles, who was killed by Hector in the Trojan War.

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他会发布命令攻击特定的玩家,他的兽人仆从会按他的命令行事。He will call out orders to attack specific players and his Orc minions will follow those orders.

这将会变得更加不幸,和欧菲利亚讲的一样,你是个颇有价值的仆从。This has turned out to be rather unfortunate. As Ophelia said, you might have been a valuable servant.

她走进一间长长的屋子,可当她看到苏丹、他的大臣和众多的仆从时,害怕极了。She went into a long room, but when she saw the Sultan, his Vizier, and all his slaves, she was very afraid.

打败尤格萨隆这头野兽的机会马上就来临了!把你的愤怒倾泻到他的仆从上去吧!The time to strike at the head of the beast will soon be upon us! Focus your anger and hatred on his minions!

他被其仆从所围绕并被他们所保卫,并且花了很多时间去猎取克拉温纱丽。He surrounds himself with servants to guard and protect him. And he spends much of his time hunting for Kiaransalee.

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随着巫师和僵尸仆从消失在夜幕中,雷鸣和闪电也一并消逝。The sounds of thunder and lightning faded away as the alchemist and his dead companions disappeared into the dark night.

不要将它与砦丹——同样在海中觉醒却有着完全不同的力量和仆从的古龙弄混。It is not to be confused with Zhaitan, which also awoke in the sea, but has a different kind of power and minions entirely.

不,西方在把北约扩展到苏维埃帝国在中欧和波罗的海沿岸的前仆从国方面并没有错。No, the West was not wrong to extend NATO to the former vassal states of the Soviet empire in central Europe and the Baltic.