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我已经传播了这个该死的蠕虫。I had spread the accursed worm.

当蠕虫在她周围爬动!Soft may the worms about her creep!

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他那肥胖的手指向蠕虫一样粗大Hisgreasy fingers are thick as worms

蠕虫在上面爬进爬出。The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out.

这是一个很酷剥离蠕虫。This is a pretty cool spin-off of worms.

后来,桑迪发现是一种蠕虫病毒。Later, Sandy found out it was a wom virus.

宛如无数密集拥挤的蠕虫。Serried, swarming, like a million maggots.

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蠕虫在泥土下掘通道。The worm burrowed its way under the earth.

这个试管装满了蠕虫和蚂蚁蛋。The test-tube is filled with worms and eggs.

我们有了害虫、霜冻、蠕虫和新的瘟疫。We have pests, frosts, worms and new plagues.

震荡波蠕虫利用质谱工作站服务。Sasser worm exploiting MS workstation service.

肠内蠕虫为什么会产生这样的效果呢?But why would intestinal worms have this effect?

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防护狮子蠕虫克里斯布伦顿。Protection Against The Lion Worm By Chris Brenton.

一种蠕虫,尤指寄生蛔虫或绦虫。A worm, especially a parasitic roundworm_or_tapeworm.

在目前对这种蠕虫的生命周期还知之甚少。Very little is yet known of these worms’ life cycles.

小蠕虫长大时,会换皮,也就是外皮要脱落。As the wrigglers grow, they molt, or shed their skins.

扁平身体的寄生或非寄生的蠕虫。Parasitic or free-living worms having a flattened body.

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自动杀除病毒、蠕虫和特洛伊木马。Automatically removes viruses, worms, and Trojan horses.

我吃昆虫、蠕虫、青蛙、蛇、老鼠和鸟蛋。I eat insects, worms, frogs, snakes, mice and bird eggs.

安全性和隐私则开启了另一个满是蠕虫的盒子。Security and privacy open up a whole other can of worms.