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很不错的一首古体诗!A very good ancient poem!

通过频率统计整理出古体诗和律诗采用的平仄句型以及他们的数量。On the other hand, we drew the tonal patterns of ancient-verse and regular-verse by frequency statistics.

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陈三立的七言古体诗具有独特的审美特质,并非人们常说的散原诗歌的萧索凄寂,而是多有酣畅崛健的风格。Chen Sanli s 7-word ancient poems have a unique aesthetic idiosyncracy with a style of fluency and sturdiness.

文同古体诗基本上按照宋代通语押韵,但多少显得有些保守。Wen Tong basically rhymed his poems according to the common language in the Song dynasty but seemed somewhat conservative.

事实上,我认为知道二十世纪早期,即使是公务员考试,人们也也了解大量的古体诗。In fact, I think until early in the twentieth century, even to pass a bureaucratic exam, one had to know a huge number of classical forms.

这专栏曾经把晴山诸多著作中选出了15篇作品,其中有随笔、短文、家书和古体诗。The 15 selections from Qing-shan's literary works that have appeared in Lizi Qing included essays, short stories, family letters and classical poems.

比如,尽管我爸写过数千首古体诗,但他对受西方影响严重的新体诗不屑。For instance, my dad doesn't like new-styled peoms, which significantly affected by Western peoms, although he's written thousands of ancient-styled peoms.

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李白在继承前人诗歌形式美成就的基础上,热情地探索与表现内容相符的形式,尤其是在古体诗体格、形式的发展方面对唐诗形式的开创美,做出了可贵的贡献。Moreover, he makes valuable contributions to the creative beauty of the form of Tang poetry, in particular to the development of the style and form of archaic style poetry.

陈孚近体诗、古体诗的用韵,其近体诗分为18部,与“平水韵”大致相同,只是合并了“平水韵”的若干韵部。The rhymes in Chen Fu' s modern style poems can be classified into 18 classes, almost the same as Shui Ping rhyme, just having several classes of Shui Ping rhyme combined with.

分别考察了唐代近体诗、古体诗的局部音乐美建构、整体音乐美建构与句法修辞手段运用的密切关系。The author in the paper discusses some ways of using the syntactic rhetoric to produce the partial & whole musical beauty of the Tang Dynasty "modern style" & ancient style poetry.