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给了网队一个机会,而他们也不客气的“笑纳”了。Gave NJ a chance and they took it.

布朗先生,这是给您的一点小礼物,请笑纳。This is a little something for you, Mr. Brown.

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这是一点小意思,请笑纳。This is just a little something, please accept it.

这是我们公司的一点小意思,请笑纳。Here is a little, something from my company, please take it.

我是一名中国律师,我只会写点法律文章,请笑纳。I am a china lawyer and I only can provide legal papers here.

多蒙鼎力协助,不胜感激,备些薄礼,敬请笑纳!Please accept this gift in appreciation of all you've done for us!

这就是我的生活。我发现活着是值得的,如果上苍能赐予我第二次生命,我愿欣然笑纳。This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and I would gladly.

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我这有份临别赠礼-,准许我们使用您肖像权的声明,希望您笑纳。We have this one parting gift-- just a little legal waiver for the cameras if you would.

他接受拥抱,笑纳每个人送上的良好祝福,并持续为球队给出自己的贡献。He mimed the cuddle, welcomed everyone's wishes and congratulations and collected a number of dedications.

总热切地盼望着朋友的出现,期待着自己能有一二个知己。又由于莫名的原因又封闭自己,叠放出一副深沉模板,把自己粉墨如一尊雕像,供人瞻仰,笑纳赞美。Also due to some unknown reasons, they have closed themselves out of a deep stacked templates Fenmo himself like a statue, for people to look at, kindly consider the praise.

老霍今天对自己做为红军主帅的首个赛季带领球队在欧洲赛场获得的开门五连胜表示低调笑纳,球队在周四晚间以4-1战胜来访的布加勒斯特星队。Roy Hodgson today played down his proud achievement of becoming the first Liverpool manager to win his opening five European games after Thursday night's 4-1 victory over Steaua Bucharest.

这项评比中,曼城以其兼具实力与经验的22人豪华阵容笑纳了榜首,哪怕是他们的第二阵容都已经足以谋取一个欧战资格了。City take this one handsomely with the aforementioned 22-man squad of quality and experience throughout. Their second string could conceivably challenge for a European placing in their own right.