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游园会因雨而中断。Rain cut short the garden party.

这灿烂阳光对今天的游园会是个好预兆。The sunshine bodes well for today's garden party.

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为大使举办了一次盛大的游园会。A large fete was given in honor of the ambassador.

她被邀请参加那天晚上举行的游园会。She was invited to a garden party to be held that night.

多可惜啊,你开游园会那天下雨了。What a shame that it rained on the day of your garden city.

我们不可能找到一个更好的日子来开游园会了。We could not have had a more perfect day for the garden party.

不要指望你举行游园会时会是好天气。Don't reckon upon the weather being fine for your garden party.

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在游园会结束后,一定要清理掉那些乱丢的废物。After the fete is over all the litter will have to be cleared up.

如果你要举办露天游园会或者招待会。If, however, you were holding an opening air garden party or fete.

这些女士参加游园会以炫耀她们的夏装。The woman went to the garden party to display their summer toilet.

由于下雨,游园会没有按照广告说的时间举行。Owing to the rain the garden party did not take place as advertised.

上个月,SCIE游园会首次举办并取得了巨大的成功。Last December, SCIE's college fair made its debut with great success.

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我们村里准备举行一次游园会,以筹集经费建造礼堂。Our village is holding a fete to raise funds for the building of the new hall.

我们村里准备举行游园会,以筹资建造新会堂。Our village is holding a fete to raise money for the building of the new hall.

在准备露天游园会时,你必须考虑天气问题。When you are planning a garden party, you will have to take weather into account.

我们原想在本周末举行游园会,但忽略了天气的因素!We had hoped to hold the garden party this weekend, but we reckoned without the weather!

游园会开始之前,各年级的代表向大家介绍了世博会的方方面面。To get everybody prepared for the visit, students from different grades introduced the expo step by step.

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但外国外交官和商人们见面,依然跟过去一般,在英国领事馆举办游园会。But the foreign diplomats and businessmen meet, as in the days past, at a garden party at the British Embasy.

靠着参加当地板球队与出席游园会,克罗格夫妇维持着无辜的表象。The Krogers had maintained a façade of innocence by joining the local cricket team and attending garden fetes.

在过去的三周里,我们一直在安排这次游园会,但雨下个不停,把我们的计划全搅乱了。For the past three weeks we have been carefully planning the garden party, but the continual rain has upset our applecart.