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结肠小袋绦虫是一种造成腹泻的巨大纤毛虫。Balantinium coli is a giant ciliate that causes diarrhea in humans.

在玉龙雪山共鉴定到90种土壤纤毛虫。A total of 90 species were found in the soil samples of the Yulong Mountains.

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赭纤虫被认为是一类进化过程中较为原始的纤毛虫。Blepharisma is thought to be a relatively primitive genus in the phylum Ciliophora.

而纤毛虫和蚊子的粘液素基因所表现出的基因整合则是一些例外。Some exceptions are gene unscrambling in ciliates and the bursicon gene in mosquitoes.

追踪报道了纤毛虫小核体功能研究、密码子研究的最新进展。Further more, it reports the latest research results of somatic function and code prejudice.

目的为了解湖南省规模化猪场结肠小袋纤毛虫的感染情况。Objective In order to understand the Balantidium coli infection on scaled pig-farms in Hunan.

研究组发现阿米巴变形虫、纤毛虫、鞭毛虫出现在工厂中。The team found communities of amoebae, ciliates, and flagellates to be present in all the plants.

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报导了一种经过改进的用于浮游纤毛虫定量研究的蛋白银染色方法。A modified protargol staining method for quantitative study of planktonic ciliate ecology has been reported.

小核,微核原生动物纤毛虫类体内两个细胞核中较小的一个,其中含有。The smaller of two nuclei in ciliate protozoans that contains genetic material and functions in reproduction.

报道了天目山土壤纤毛虫的种类组成、分布及优势种类。The species compeition, distribution and dominants species of soil ciliates in Tianmu Mountains was reported.

对刘家峡水库网箱养鱼场春季纤毛虫群落结构进行了研究。The community structure of ciliates in the cage fish culture farm of Liujiaxia reservoir in spring is studied.

纤毛虫是单细胞的原生动物,在进化上属于低等的真核生物,但其各细胞器之间囊泡运输系统极为完善。Ciliate, a unicellular protozoa and low eukaryotes in evolution, has perfect vesicular trafficking system among organelles.

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瘤胃微生物如细菌、原虫以及纤毛虫等的研究一直是反刍动物研究的重要方面。Ruminal microbes, such as bacteria, protozoan and infusorians, have been always the key aspects of the research of ruminant.

对白洋淀纤毛虫的种类组成、优势种进行了初步调查,同时对水质进行理化监测,共鉴定出纤毛虫48种。The composition and dominant species of ciliates in Baiyangdian lake was investigated, there are 48 species of ciliates by physicochemical test.

用活体观察和固定染色方法对麦积山风景名胜区土壤纤毛虫物种多样性进行了研究。The species diversity of soil ciliates in scenic spots and Historic Sites of Maijishan was studied by observation in vivo, fixation and staining.

春季时本研究海域主要是受到南海水的影响,大部分的有钟纤毛虫种类均随机分布在整个水体中。In spring, when the South China Sea Water influenced this study area, most tintinnid ciliate species were randomly distributed through out the water column.

纤毛虫只会意外死亡,比如我们往它们生活的水域投毒或者加热这片水域等等。The infusorium is subject only to accidental death, such as we can cause by the addition of some poisonous element to the water in which it lives, or by heat.

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纤毛虫皮层的研究对探讨细胞的发育、分化、结构模式及其遗传控制有着极其重大的生物学意义。The research on the cortex of ciliates shows great significance to the exploration of cell development, differentiation, structural pattern and genetic control.

白洋淀纤毛虫主要由耐有机污染的种群组成,说明白洋淀主要受有机污染。Ciliates in Baiyangdian lake were composed mainly by tolerant organic pollution community, it shows that Baiyangdian lake is polluted mainly by organic materials.

当它们发展到水陆交界的地方时,它们又形成了各种下等生物如变形虫、纤毛虫、黏菌、小型原生动物群。When they developed into the amphibious place, they formed a kind of inferior creatures, such as amoeba, infusorians and fungi and other small groups of protozoa.