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这个决定可能会让你在有生之年都追悔莫及。The decision could be one you live to regret.

现在就开始采取行动吧,省得日后追悔莫及。Take action now to avoid that possibility later.

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有一件事我至今仍然追悔莫及。There was one incident that I still regret to this day.

当年的误以为是造成了今天的局面,盛茂林追悔莫及。The mistake is caused by the situation today, Sheng Maolin too late to regret.

然而,错过市场上行机会简直和遭受损失一样令人追悔莫及。Yet being on the wrong side of a rally can be just as painful as suffering losses.

你有时是否会为自己已逝的、不尽人意的童年追悔莫及,并认为这一切都是你的过错?Do you sometimes have the feeling that you "flunked" childhood and it was all your fault?

曾经有一段真挚的爱情摆在我面前我没有好好去珍惜,当我失去她时才追悔莫及!Once a true love sitting in front of me i'm not going to cherish, when I lose her regret!

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曾经有一段真挚的爱情摆在我的面前,我却没有珍惜,直到失去才追悔莫及。I have had my best love before, but I didn’t treasure her. When I lost her, I fell regretful.

这是你失去之后才会追悔莫及的东西之一,就像脚趾、牙膏和树。It’s one of those things you wouldn’t miss until it’s gone, like toes, toothpaste, and trees.

没事的,妈妈。我保证。如果你错失这次良机会追悔莫及的。It's all right, Mother, I promise. You will never forgive yourself if you if you miss this experience.

换而言之,熊市通常在我们追悔莫及的时候已经结束。In other words, bear markets often end amid just the kind of sound and fury we've been witnessing of late.

如遭雷击的关晓霞眼看心中的偶像被无情伤害,追悔莫及。If thunderstruck closes Xiao Xia soon the God with medium heart is harmed by callosity, afterthought not is reached.

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而这些一旦发生,对于一个自信并且相信不会出错的国家而言,那会追悔莫及。When it happens, it will be a rude awakening for a country which is overarching self-confident believes it can do no wrong.

有谁能帮我翻译一下这段话急用谢谢“曾经有一份真挚的感情摆在我的面前,我没有好好的珍惜,等到失去以后才追悔莫及。At one time there was a piece of sincere love placed before me which I didn't cherish, I was so repentant just as I lost it.

老龄——“宁可事先谨慎有余,不要事后追悔莫及”,这句话告诉我们,如果我们每天做一点努力,就能尽可能久地保持年轻,避免病痛。The old age – "Better safe than sorry" shows how long we can keep our quality of life and avoid suffering if we make some effort every day.

梦见自己坐在考场里参加一场重要考试,但面对考卷却脑袋空空,大惊失色。但为时已晚,追悔莫及。You are sitting an important exam but are shocked to realize you have done no studying. It's too late to do anything and you are disappointed.

你无法欺骗生活,所以奉劝你不要去劳神。一旦正直打了折扣,很快你便会丧失诚正之气,并将永远追悔莫及。You cannot cheat life, so don't bother trying. If you compromise your integrity, it will quickly drain away and you'll always regret the loss.

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全世界的人们现在越来越指望大国领导人保护我们的地球,年轻人尤其如此,以免我们所有人都追悔莫及。The people of the world, particularly the young, now look increasingly to the leaders of these great powers to protect our planet before it's too late for us all.

还容易受到社会市井的影响,变得庸俗不堪,斤斤计较,容易一失足成千古恨,追悔莫及。Also easy to receive the social marketplace the influence, becomes is unable to withstand vulgarly, is calculating, easy a single slip-up may cause lasting sorrow, regret not and.

他们这时想起来,当时只要花一点点钱就能买到今天已经价值连城的名画,他们白白让机会从眼皮底下溜掉,真是追悔莫及。They remembered then that they could have bought for a song canvases which now were worth large sums, and they could not forgive themselves for the opportunity which had escaped them.