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肠出血性大肠杆菌可引起出血腹泻和腹部疼痛。EHEC can cause bloody diarrhoea and abdominal pain.

大肠杆菌的前三个字母是Eco,也就是酶名字中的EcoThe first three letters of E. Coli are Eco, so Eco.

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萨道斯基说,大肠杆菌会致病的种类很少。The types that cause disease are rare, Sadowski says.

某些血清型大肠杆菌能引起人类腹泻。Certain serotypes of human E. coli can cause diarrhea.

目的建立检测与鉴定肠侵袭性大肠杆菌的新方法。Objective To set up a new method of detecting E. coli.

然而,这些条例没有将大肠杆菌的一些罕见种类纳入监管范围。But the regulations do not cover rarer forms of E. coli.

德国正努力地控制大肠杆菌健康空幻。Germany is struggling to control its E. coli health scare.

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膀胱炎主要致病菌是大肠杆菌。Cystitis is main pathogenic bacteria is coliform organisms.

目的构建大肠杆菌K99菌毛表达载体。Objective To construct E. coli K99 pilus expression vector.

在不加介体情况下,普通变形菌电池性能优于大肠杆菌。Proteus vulgaris to the performance of MFC is superior to E.

在这方面而言,就像吃冰激凌一样,或者比方说,大肠杆菌。It's like ice cream or, for example, E. coli in that respect.

他说,“大多数大肠杆菌实际上都被认为是无害的。The majority of E. coli are in fact considered to be harmless.

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该菌株含带有若干抗生素的耐药基因,似乎是2种大肠杆菌的混合体。The strain appeared to be a combination of 2 types of E. coli.

这是由大肠杆菌缩写STEC的已知危险形式。This is a dangerous form of E. coli known by the acronym STEC.

0157号大肠杆菌是一个现实的威胁,我们没有任何松懈的空间。E coli 0157 is a real threat. There is no room for complacency.

结果成功构建人IL-15表达载体,并表达于大肠杆菌中。Results hIL-15 was cloned and expressed in E coli successfully.

欧姆加热方法对大肠杆菌具有明显的杀死作用。Ohmic heating method had obvious sterilization effect on E. coli.

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部分茶具上和卧具上检出大肠杆菌。Escherichia coli was checked out in part of tea sets and beddings.

德国卫生当局目前还未确认大肠杆菌源头。German health authorities have not confirmed the source of E. coli.

此外PCL亦凝集某些微生物如野生型和H.B.101大肠杆菌以及面包酵母。PCL also agglutinated micro organisms, as wild type and H. B. 101 E.