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你是过境旅客吗?Are you a transit passenger?

什么是过境旅客呢?What is a transit passenger?

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这里是过境柜台吗?Is this the interline transfer counter?

我是这次航班的过境旅客。I am a transit passenger for this flight.

我是去伦敦的过境旅客。I am a transit passenger going to London.

我是飞往东京的过境旅客。I am a transit passenger en route to Tokyo.

你办美国过境签证的理由是什么?Why do you apply for American transit visa?

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是的,我是这次班机的过境旅客。Yes, I'm a transit passenger for this flight.

我是飞往法兰克福的过境旅客。I am a transit passenger en route to frankfort.

过境旅客!你是过境旅客吗?Transit passenger! Are you a transit passenger?

我是等此班机的过境旅客。I'm a transit passenger waiting for this flight.

薛三线县乡公路过境。Xue three-lane county and township road transit.

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艾琳过境处许多州宣布进入灾难状态。Many states in the path of Irene declared disasters.

到目前为止,知母猪肠过境。Until now, little was known about the sow's gut transit.

非法移民是跨国性问题,来源国、过境国和目的国均受非法移民的困扰,打击非法移民符合各方利益。The issue of illegal migration is a transnational problem.

海关认为必要时,可以查验过境、转运和通运货物。Where deemed necessary, the Customs may examine such goods.

海关认为必要时,可以查验过境,转运和通运货物。where deemed necessary, the customs may examine such goods.

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同时,阿也不再过境俄罗斯天然气管线输送天然气。It has also ceased sending its oil through Russian pipelines.

赣江两岸呈现出沿岸城镇过境贸易的繁华景象。It had a prosperous trading, especially around the GanJiang River.

那能够再次成为重新开放过境点的样板。And again, that can serve as a model for reopening those crossings.