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在印尼这是一个大新闻,但是我们相信或许这样的情况放眼世界也绝无仅有。This is currently big news in Indonesia.

放眼世界,当前比这要紧的事儿多了去了。There are more pressing issues in the world today.

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怎么,这点破事儿也值得作家们吐槽么?放眼世界,当前比这要紧的事儿多了去了。Writers are complaining? There are more pressing issues in the world today.

那个英俊的绑匪,厄尔·盖洛,提出带上她跟他一起去放眼世界。The handsome robber, El Gallo, offers to take her with him to see the world.

当代青年应该胸怀祖国,放眼世界。The young people should keep the Motherland in mind and look to the whole world.

中国的钢铁行业即使放眼世界是在数量上遥遥领先的。China is leading the steel industry in the world because of its huge quantity of production.

然而,放眼世界,也不乏中式快餐取得连锁经营巨大成功的范例。However, around the world, and also have Chinese fast food chain operation has great successful examples.

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继在中国市场大获全胜之后,阿里巴巴放眼世界,下一步将从美国、印度和日本开始。Having triumphed in the Chinese market, its sights are set on the world, beginning with the US, India and Japan.

路易莎也想去不同的地方,英俊的强盗埃尔加尔同意带她一起去放眼世界。Luisa also wants to visit different places. The handsome robber, El Gallo, offers to take her with him to see the world.

立足中国,放眼世界,拥抱全球,为将“艾美特”铸造成家电行业精致品牌而努力。Based in China with global visions, Airmate is dedicated to build up as a super-brand in the household appliances industry.

像我们这样的人,不仅聪明,胸怀大志,还放眼世界,所以力求完美可能无法避免。Trying to be perfect may be sort of inevitable for people like us, who are smart and ambitious and interested in the world.

那么,放眼世界,整个环球北回归线穿越地区都可能有该系列陨石群散落的痕迹。So look around the world, the area crossed by tropic of cancer may possibly find the trails of such serial meteorites spread.

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虽然新加坡是以亚裔为主的社会,但在吸引人才方面应放眼世界,广邀所有种族的优秀人才来新加坡工作。Although Singapore is a dominantly Asian society, it should look to the whole world and seek out talent of all ethnicities to work in Singapore.

虽然新加坡是以亚裔为主的社会,但在吸引人才方面应放眼世界,广邀所有种族的优秀人才来新加坡工作。Although Singapore is a predominantly Asian society, it should look to the whole world and seek out talent of all ethnicities to work in Singapore.

他的忧患意识,使他无论是追溯历史文化,还是关注新加坡现实均超越了新加坡的疆界放眼世界。His awareness of hardship, whether in his trace of historical culture or his attention to the reality of Singapore, exceeds the boundary of nation.

我公司又引进了许多先进的生产仪器,正脚踏实地的从闽清走出,走向福建,面向全国,放眼世界。My company has introduced many advanced production equipment, are down-to-earth out from Minqing toward Fujian, for national and global in outlook.

“放眼世界,展望未来!”凯弗愿以多元化的选择,贴心的服务与广大客户真诚合作,实现多赢!"Looking at the world, look to the future! " Kaifu willing choice, close the majority of customer service and sincere cooperation and achieve win-win!

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放眼世界,特别是在美国,消费者、商界以及投资者都面临着为莫测的未来做出艰难的选择。Around the world, and especially in the United States, the dilemma of planning for the unknowable is upsetting the decisions of consumers, businesses and investors.

作为历史学与教育学的交叉学科,在全球化背景下,教育史学应拓宽视野、放眼世界。As the interdiscipline of history and education, under the background of globalization, historiography of education should broaden the field of vision and scan widely.

放眼世界,在经济动荡之际,西方领导者们似乎急切希望得到债权富国——中国的帮助,中国看到了其中的战略机遇。As China surveys the world, with the West in financial turmoil and its leaders seemingly desperate for cash-rich China to come to its aid, it sees strategic opportunities.