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他被强行推进一辆车里。He was thrust into a car.

部队正在向前推进。The troops were advancing.

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提供积极的加强推进效应。Provide positive reinforcement.

将橡胶密封索环推进孔中。Push the grommet into the hole.

国仍在推进西部大开发。China's push westward continues.

他把汽车推进到湖里。He heaved the car into the lake.

这部机器是用水蒸气推进的。This machine is driven by steam.

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有人把我推进了屋里。Someone hunched me into the room.

我们站在一起推进和平。We stand together to advance peace.

帆船是由风力推进的。A sailing boat is propelled by wind.

我军向下一个城镇推进。Our troops advanced on the next town.

部队向前推进时呈扇形散开。The fire fanned out in all directions.

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蜗牛用触角推进墨绿色的夜晚The snail pushes through a green night

部队向前推进时呈扇形散开。The troops fanned out as they advanced.

这种主体性创作推进了词史演进。This pushed forward the creation of ci.

你有四次机会去推进十码,You have four chances to move 10 yards,

士兵们向前推进时呈扇形散开。The soldiers fanned out as they advanced.

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他们的支持推进了他的事业。Their support furthered the cause of his.

他们用自动推进的起重机吊起货物。They hoist cargo with a locomobile crane.

但是磁力推进有一些缺陷。But magnetic propulsion has some drawbacks.