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我深深地爱着他。I loved him deeply.

深深缓慢地吸气。Deep, slow inhalation.

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兰登深深叹了口气。Langdon sighed heavily.

藏著对尓深深的爱。Hidden deep love for you.

我被它深深地感动了。I was deeply moved by it.

在他深深的伤害了我之后?After how badly he hurt me?

深深地扎入他的手与脚。Deep in His feet and hands.

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这句话深深的印在了我的心里。This word deep in my heart.

闺蜜、你存在我深深的脑海里。Bestie, you deep in my mind.

在冬天莓鲈翻车鱼移动深深。In winter crappie move deep.

是对好朋友的一种深深的依赖?。A deep dependence of a frend?

连父亲都深深地被打动。Even father was deeply moved.

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深深,深深地,在这粪土和黑夜里。Deep in the dung and the dark!

因为,阿斯拉!我深深地爱你!For dearly, Asra! love I thee!

我深深爱上了圣佩德罗。I fell in love with San Pedro.

我深深地爱著罗丝。I love Rose with all my heart.

我被这个电影深深感动了。I was deeply move by the flim.

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他像法官深深鞠了一躬。He made a low bow to the judge.

他仰坐着深深地呼气。He sat back and exhaled deeply.

今天我被深深感动和激励!I am deeply moved and inspired.