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摩天楼只是高的大厦。Skycrapers are just tall building.

岛上耸立着一座摩天楼。There stands a skyscraper on the island.

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这个面积达65,000平方英尺的项目坐落在一片由摩天楼包围的雨林中。The 65,000 GSF project sits in a rainforest surrounded by skyscrapers.

除了高大的摩天楼和夜间的一列有灯光的窗户之外,一个人还有什么可以欢赏的呢?What has one got left to admire except tall skyscrapers and lighted windows in a row at night?

这座新落成的摩天楼位于江苏省华西村,它在周围的建筑中显得鹤立鸡群。The newly-opened skyscraper in Huaxi Village, Jiangsu province, dwarfs the surrounding buildings

这座城市的看点在于它那座14世纪的哥特教堂、以及一系列未来主义风格的摩天楼。The city's keysights include its 14th-century Gothic cathedral and a host of futuristic skyscrapers.

港务局对于纽约和新泽西州之间的争论保持中立,作为业主,它直接进行最大规模最重要的新摩天楼的建造。In the middle of the dispute stands the Port Authority, a joint body of New York and New Jersey states.

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早期的摩天楼是用坚固的砖、石头或是混凝土垒成沉重的厚墙建成的。Now the new skyscrapers are being built with a steel framework that supports the weight of the building.

研究的主题包括地下铁、摩天楼、高速公路、都市更新和购物中心。Subjects to be considered will include subways , skyscrapers, highways, urban renewal, and retail centers.

许多摩天楼拔地而起,为这座新生海港城市增加了数百万平方英尺的住房面积。Scores of sky-scrapers are adding millions of square feet of residential space in this fledgling port town.

因此,为减少灾害发生后的损失,必须控制其规模,确保摩天楼建设有序进行。So we must control the sizes of skyscrapers and ensure its process orderly to diminish the loss of calamities.

重庆新建的光鲜靓丽的购物中心和摩天楼只能部分揭示出当地居民的真实生活状态。So the city's shiny new shopping plazas and skyscrapers reveal only a partial picture of how people are living.

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班加罗尔最高楼大约30层,没有人有在班加罗尔修建摩天楼的远见,遗憾!I think tallest building in Bangalore is about 30 floors, no one has the vision to build sky scrappers in Bangalore. Sad ! !

每天,陈旦旦都在市中心数百英尺的高处工作,建造一幢新的摩天楼。Chen Dandan spends his days suspended hundreds of feet above downtown Shanghai, building one of the city's newest skyscrapers.

这些看起来把对建造摩天楼来说完全合理的规划,搬到一个花园的种植上多少有点儿荒唐。Things that would be perfectly reasonable to plan for a skyscraper seem a little ridiculous when you are talking about a garden.

摩天楼最早是用来作办公室和开商店的,现在某些摩天楼却成了那些想住在市中心的人的住房。Built at first to house offices and shops, some skyscrapers are now becoming homes for people who want to live in the center of the city.

蚁丘和珊瑚礁与纽约的摩天楼和人工混凝土渔礁相比在高度以及规模上都相形见绌。The skyscrapers of termites and the reefs of coral are dwarfed by the skyscrapers and concrete reefs of New York, even relative to their size.

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然而,有的专家指出,一开始是为了节省土地而建摩天楼,如今蜕变成国家的形象工程。However, some experts say skyscraper construction, initially seen as a way of saving land, has degenerated into an image project for the country.

顾问得出的结论是福斯特大楼要到2026年才能封顶,而罗杰斯摩天楼2037年之前无法完工。The consultants concluded that the Foster building would not fill its floors until 2026. The Rogers skyscraper would not be fully let until 2037.

以色列特拉维夫市一年一度的“白夜节”庆祝活动中,著名魔术师赫兹迪安被倒吊在百米高的三座摩天楼间表演脱困特技。Hezi Dean, a famous magician from Israel, performed a magic between three skyscrapers as part of the White Night festival in Tel Aviv, Israel on July 1.