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你适才看见琼了吗?Did you see Joan just now?

对不起,我适才没听。Sorry, I wasn't listening.

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她适才还说你浮名呢。A. She talked at you just now.

适才有一个小孩来找你。A boy came to see you a moment ago.

回想适才之事,真似一梦。What had happened was like a dream.

适才和我语言的那个男孩是我弟弟。The boy to whom I spoke is my brother.

那就是我适才向你提起的阿谁演员。That is the actor I just told you about.

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我们应许你适才所说的意见。We go down with whthroughout you said just now.

我们应该回到适才我们呆的那条街。We should just go back to that street we were on.

我不快乐喜爱这部手机,就是你适才给我看的那一部。I don't like this cell phone- the one you just showed me.

顾尔谦还唠唠叨叨地牵涉适才床板的事。Ku prattled away, even dragging in the bed plank incident.

呃,你说得对,瞧我,脑子秀逗了一下,算了别管我适才瞎扯的那些。You're right. What was I thinking? Forget everything I said.

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倾斜锅头,让未凝聚的鸡蛋年夜上方填补到适才推集鸡蛋弄出的空白处。Tilt the pan and let some of the unset egg from the top fill the little gap you just made.

他心下大骇,看那老太监时,只见他弓腰曲背,不住咳嗽,于适才之事似乎浑若不知。The old eunuch was just standing there, hunched up and coughing, for all the world as if nothing had happened.

艺珂缜密的全球人力资源网络,能第一时间提供足够的人才资料库,让人力适才适所。Our extensive global network, enable us to have instant access to a huge talent pool to source for the right candidates.

适才我们的同学张明给我们做了一次演讲,我觉得他做得很不错,我想听一听一些同学对它的意见。Just now our classmate Zhang Ming gave us a lecture, I think it is well done, I'd like to ask for some students'opinion on it.

咱们只是不风俗有敌人,这是我适才想说的,然而目前既然你提到了,那我只是恰巧极度趣味边疆的女人。We're not used to guests is what I was about to say but now that you mention it I happen to quite like the women of the outback.

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适才有人正在我们的房间里,由于我们打开前门进来时,我注重到地板上有一支仍正在熄灭的香烟。There had been some one in our room just now, because I noticed a burning cigarette end on the floor when we opened the front door.

人才管理创新的基本要求是适才、求才、用才、育才等方面。Talented person manages innovative fundamental aspect such as demanding to be just now, asking use talent, to train men for profession just now.

你适才也看过了翼儿的情况,他如今的双腿可还有救治的希望?You are proper to equitable once discern ugg boots circumstance of pinion son for well, tin his present legs still have the wish to save to cure?