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跃进到更绿色的纳米技术?Leapfrogging to greener nanotech?

浙江宁波跃进汽车前桥有限公司。Ningbo Yuejin Automobile Front Axle Co. , Ltd.

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在我们跃进项目的工地上,经常活跃着一对父子的身影。On the worksite of our Yaojin Project is a father and son duo.

像那些蝌蚪一样,我们也逐渐成长,并跃进了世界。Like those tadpoles, we grew legs and hopped off into the world.

这是在莎士比亚肖像画历史上的一大跃进。It marks a major development in the history of Shakespearian portraiture.

掩护跃进事实上就是“标准步兵移动技术”。Bounding Overwatch is the de-facto "Standard Infantry Movement Technique".

瑞典的工业近年来出现了跃进的局面。Swedish industrial front is developing by leaps and bounds in the late years.

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穿越危险地段的技巧是掩护跃进的另一种形式。The technique for crossing a danger area is another form of bounding overwatch.

音乐风格的具体差异,这个问题前些天才跃进我脑海This particular difference about musical style was driven home to me the other day.

这群羊正朝那座房子跑去,但咱们使他们改朝田野跃进。The herd of sheep were running towards the house, but we headed them towards the field?

在向工业化跃进的过程中,很多肥沃的土地,水资源还有劳动力都流失了。They have lost much prime land, water supplies and labour in the rush to industrialise.

随着昂贵的深海石油愈发重要,拉丁美洲将迎来最大的跃进。The greatest leap will come in Latin America as pricey deepwater oil grows in importance.

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但其中有一个微妙的逻辑“跃进”,在我看来,经不起较仔细的检验。But there is a subtle logical leap that, I believe, does not bear up under closer scrutiny.

在最近的几个月里,从其他的外星体寻求水源的举动正在大步跃进中。The search for water on other planetary bodies has taken a giant leap forward in recent months.

但高度复杂的Siri软件将使这项技术实现跃进。But the highly sophisticated Siri software could represent a huge leap forward for the technology.

安耐特颓然跃进一把椅子里,用两只拳头顶着脑门儿,突然撕心裂肺地哭了起来。Annette sank into a chair, and, leaning her forehead on her two fists, burst into passionate weeping.

我站在车灯的光亮中看着二十多头麋鹿跃进树林,只有一头没有逃走。I stood in the beam of the headlights and watched at least twenty elk bound into the forest—all but one.

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“我们想要将现在的技术向更加理想跃进,”皮茨谈及平面能源的目标时说道。"We want to leapfrog current technologies and push onto something better," says Pitts of Planar's goals.

记住,掩护跃进不只是在交火前使用,交战当中也应该使用。Note that bounding overwatch is used not only when moving to contact but also when contact has been made.

“我们想要将现在的技术向更加理想跃进,”皮茨谈及平面能源的目标时说道。"We want to leapfrog current technologies and push onto something better, " says Pitts of Planar's goals.