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前途不明朗?No bright future?

前途暗淡。The prospects are dim.

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这矿大有开采前途。The mine prospects well.

你前途远大。You have a great future.

你可不想变得没前途。You don't want to be out.

他们对前途充满希望。He desisted of the future.

有前途的青年钢琴家。He desisted of the future.

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她在电影圈有前途。She has a future in movies.

祝你前途似锦!We wish you a bright future.

他是一个有远大前途的人。He is a man of great promise.

Heroku的前途看起来很光明。Heroku's future looks bright.

姜黄素,也非常有前途。Curcumin is also very promising.

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你有没有考虑你的前途?Have you considered your future?

他在那才会有前途。He's got his whole future there.

而互联网电视则仍看起来更像是一种前途未卜的赌注。Net TV is still more of a gamble.

这位音乐家前途远大。This musician has a great future.

祝你前途光明远大。May your future be big and bright.

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但是大选之后,欧宝的前途渺茫。But beyond that its future is bleak.

他认为此矿大有开采前途。He thinks that the 2 prospects well.

但是拉阿巴斯先生的前途并不确定。But Mr. Abas's chances are uncertain.