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学习飞行用一件滑翔衣。Learn to Fly a Wingsuit.

没有什么可以胜过滑翔翼运动。You can't beat hang- gliding.

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我喜爱教滑翔。So I like teaching paragliding.

滑翔翼的欧文斯谷恐怖!Hang Gliding Horror in Owens Valley!

她一点也不害怕悬挂式的滑翔。Hang-gliding holds no fears for her.

她也梦想有一天可以尝试三角翼滑翔。She also dreams of trying hang-gliding.

这个技巧也能进阶至空中滑翔的轻功。The technic and also advance into air glide.

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火箭动力的滑翔飞行终于到来了!Rocket-propelled elytra flight is finally here!

昌平的滑翔基地是滑翔爱好者的天堂。Glide base of Changping is the gliding fans' heaven.

驾驶员关闭引擎,将飞机滑翔准备着陆。The pilot cut the engine and glided in for a landing.

从而可以得出一个结论,纯圆弧伞翼在滑翔比上占优势。In conclusion, pure circle wing has better glide ratio.

四个镜头记录了这种稀奇蛇类的滑翔。Four cameras recorded the curious snakes as they glided.

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滑翔的速度是由翅膀的弯曲度来控制。Gliding speed is controlled by the amount of wing flexing.

一架纸飞机在教室里滑翔的情景——RizzoA paper airplane glides through this virtual classroom scene.

精灵是空气里的生物,它们巨大的翅膀使它们能象鹰一样滑翔。Sylphs are loners, content to soar the skies with the eagles.

巴托看起来对这样的滑翔很享受嘛,而且他和罗宾、蕾贝卡相处得也很融洽。Bart is Enjoying the Glide to the fullest and girls company too.

前英国皇家空军飞行员迪恩滑翔了近27.9米,夺得冠军。The winner was Dean Gunn, a former RAF pilot, flew almost 27.9 m.

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现在,我们就为您介绍一位投身于滑翔事业的滑翔伞教练——孟祥祯。Today, we are going to introduce you to a paragliding instructor.

温迪山顶允许进行悬挂式滑翔和滑翔伞运动。Hang gliding and paragliding are allowed from the top of Windy Hill.

我希望悬挂式滑翔能给我带来无拘无束的纯粹飞行体验。I hoped hang gliding would deliver the unencumbered essence of flight.