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麻醉品成瘾是在不知不觉中的。Narcotics addiction is insidious.

这样,无神论对于我们,只是一个麻醉品。Atheism was thus for us a mere intoxication.

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吃肉,使用麻醉品,赌博和非法性行为。Engaging in Gambling and Illicit Sexual activity.

显然,连专线电话也无法解决“滥用麻醉品”的问题。Clearly, hot lines are no cure for the problem of drug abuse.

在缅甸,鸦片仍然主导麻醉品贸易。Still, it is opium that dominates the narcotics trade in Burma.

吃肉,使用麻醉品,赌博和非法性行为。Eating Meat, Taking Intoxicants, Engaging in Gambling and Illicit Sexual activity.

他们发现,股票交易和一类麻醉品点亮大脑中的同一部分。They found that share-dealing lights up the same part of the brain as sex or Class A drugs.

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从你的经历看,听起来你没有进一步接近麻醉品是很幸运的。From your experience, it sounds like you are lucky not to have gotten more attached to the drug.

霍洛威茨说,甲壳虫乐队以幽默的方式,或许还借助麻醉品的力量来倡导和平与虔诚。The Beatles, Horowitz said, urged peace and piety, with humor and maybe a little help from drugs.

霍洛威茨说,硬壳虫乐队怀着幽默,或许还有麻醉品的一臂之力敦促和平与虔诚。The Beatles, Horowitz said, urged peace and piety , with humor and maybe a little help from drugs.

此地道配备了通风系统和电力设施,还有运输麻醉品的轨道。The tunnel was fully operational with a system of ventilation and electricity, and rails for the transportation of narcotics.

美国国务院最近的一个报告发现以缅甸、中国和泰国为基地的犯罪团伙每年生产几百万粒麻醉品。A recent U.S. State Department report found that gangs based in Burma, China, and Thailand produce several million tablets annually.

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还有,本周,奥巴马总统任命来自西雅图的警察局长为国家麻醉品控制政策办公室的新任主管。And, this week, President Obama nominated the police chief from Seattle as the new director for the Office of National Drug Control Policy.

在世界反麻醉品组织的药物测试法规中,运动员对他们体内的所有药物负有责任,不管是怎样的来源。Under the World Anti-Doping Agency’s drug-testing code, athletes are responsible for whatever is in their bodies, regardless of the source.

布丁执行一项研究,他发现年青人每星期有五顿晚餐与家长一起就餐,服食麻醉品的情况可能会少些。Blake Bowden conducted one study. He found that young people who have family dinners at least five times a week are less likely to use drugs.

本规定所称吸毒,是指以各种方式吸食、摄入鸦片、吗啡、海洛因、大麻以及其它能使人成瘾的麻醉品、精神药物的行为。The taking drugs mentioned in these rules refers to the activity of sucking or taking opium, morphine, heroin, bhang, or other addictive kef or psychotropic.

滥用麻醉品为职场带来无数问题,包括高比率的旷职、工作意外,以及疾病保险与赔偿申请。Substance abuse brings numerous problems into the workplace, including high rates of absenteeism, accidents on the job, and claims for illness benefits and compensation.

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各国必须向国际麻醉品管制局提供关于麻醉物质的详细年度估计情况和报告以便采购或生产受管控的药物。Countries must provide detailed annual estimates and reports for narcotic substances to the International Narcotic Control Board to procure or produce controlled medicines.

奥巴马总统也指出,美国人对非法麻醉品的需求是引发毒品贸易的原因,另外,美国的武器也正落入毒品走私团伙的手中。For his part, President Obama has noted America's appetite for illegal narcotics fuels the drug trade, and weapons from the United States are finding their way into traffickers' hands.

据报道在每日电讯报,她推进她的同事卡任娜卡普,卡特里娜麻醉品和艾许维亚瑞伊强,成为收入最高的女演员在印度。According to a report in the Daily Telegraph, she has pushed ahead of her colleagues Kareena Kapoor , Katrina Kaif and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, to become the highest paid actress in India.