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警方破获了一项阴谋。The police have uncovered a plot.

岩破获他们的头,不停滚动。Rock cracked their heads and kept rolling.

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武汉警察破获赌博大案。Wuhan police uncover major gambling cases.

警察当局破获了一起阴谋抢劫案。The police have uncovered a scheme of robbery.

过多的钱和过少的钱一样会带来破获作用。Too much money destory as surely as too little.

回答一个老破获的声音。"Silence, bwana! "replied an old cracked voice.

联办调查局的官员声称他们破获了一个俄罗斯间谍网络.The FBI claimed to have uncovered a Russian spy ring.

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警方最近在这区破获一个偌大贩毒团活动。The police have broken a big drug operation in this area lately.

破获系列案件的关键是正确地划定侦查范围。The key to this type of case is to ascertain the investigation scope.

方法回顾性分析近年来已破获的4例凶杀碎尸案档案资料。Method the data about 4 cases of homicide are retrospectively analyzed.

几个侦探被调离侦探工作去协助破获一起谋杀案。Several detectives have been taken off the inquiry to help with a murder case.

杰克是位有名的破案高手,他经常帮助警方破获各种案件。Jack is a famous detective. He often helps the police crack all kinds of cases.

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我觉得侦探棒极了,因为他能破获刑事案件使正义得到伸张。I thought a detective was really great because he could solve criminal cases to do justice.

上个月,在曼谷破获的象牙走私案中,人们便发现了犀角。A big shipment of ivory seized in Bangkok last month is believed to have included rhino horn.

密苏里州警长里克·琼斯这个星期破获了一起贩毒案件,而其中的毒贩对抓捕行动很是吃惊。Missouri police chief, Rickey Jones, this week surprised a drug dealer in the middle of a deal.

密苏里州警长里克·琼斯这个星期破获了一起贩毒案件,而其中的毒贩对抓捕行动很是吃惊。A Missouri police chief, Rickey Jones, this week surprised a drug dealer in the middle of a deal.

另外,破获率对三种类型犯罪发生率则有负的显著影响。Meanwhile, the arrestment rate has a significantly negative influence on the three kinds of crimes.

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对于爆炸案件的损坏情况、伤亡情况的记录,为侦查破获案件起到帮助,技术人员必须遵循现场记录的规程。The recording of damage and casualty in explosion cases can help to investigate and uncover the cases.

飞虎再次出动,破获了一宗毒品交易,却未知新喜暗中派人使计抢毒品。Flying tigers out again, have solved the drug trade, but unknown New Year secretly sent to rob the drug.

使用煮沸的牛奶加上新鲜莱姆汁作为洁面为破获皮肤,黑头和粉刺。Use boiled milk combined with fresh lime juice as facial wash for cracked skin, blackheads, and pimples.