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他昂首阔步走上了主席台。He stalked up the rostrum.

他向后一转,昂首阔步地走开了。He turned round about and stalked off.

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孔雀在周围的草地上昂首阔步。Peacocks strut in the surrounding meadow.

他们昂首阔步,蹦蹦跳跳。They strut and bounce, dance and flounce.

他们以号手为前导昂首阔步走进大厅。They swept into the hall, preceded by trumpeters.

我们昂首阔步地跟着他向前走。We followed him, making great strides with head up.

你看它昂首阔步-你看到了吗?Look how she prances along. Do you see her prancing?

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她表示化妆的女性走路时昂首阔步。She said, “These women stood straight and suffered fewer falls.

这些青年人正在昂首阔步奋勇前进。These young men are striding proudly ahead and advancing bravely.

这个校长,面无表情昂首阔步的走向这对夫妇。The President, stern-faced with dignity, strutted toward the couple.

那小男孩戴止他父亲的勋章,在房间内昂首阔步。The little boy put on his father's medals and strutted around the room.

之前后院有只大公鸡昂首阔步,然后没了,不见了。There was a rooster parading around the backyard and then there just wasn't.

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我在电视看到他的音乐会,他昂首阔步,触踫观众伸出来的手以示恩泽。I'm talking about Tim McGraw, the country music megastar. I saw him in concert on TV.

这让克比斯克夫人联想到一只毛儿只剩一半的老孔雀在草地上昂首阔步。It reminded her of an aging peacock strutting on the lawn with only half its feathers left.

片中的他身着白西装昂首阔步,在迪斯科舞池里劲舞,已然成为超级巨星。Strutting and dancing across the disco floor in his white suit, Travolta became a superstar.

接着我们一起就见证了博尔特昂首阔步地冲过终点,完胜对手的表演。We then watched him completely tear-up his opposition before strutting across the finishing line.

我多想注视哈姆雷特的每一个优雅的动作,热忱的伏尔斯塔夫的每一个昂首阔步的样子!How I should like to follow each movement of the graceful Hamlet, each strut of the hearty Falstaff!

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我昂首阔步到处行走,因为我内心深知,只要你去尝试,没什么是不可能的。I walk around with my head up because I know deep down inside that nothing is impossible if you try.

我再也不必在穷途末路上堕落了。我已能在拥挤的人行道上昂首阔步了。I no longer wallow in the grime and gutters, but I walk along crowded sidewalks with my head held high.

降旗士兵们昂首阔步,用力跺着脚,头抽动着,胸口鼓足了气,大摇大摆地表演着故意为之的挑衅。THE cockerels strut and stamp, heads jerking, chests puffed, in a swaggering display of mock aggression.