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现在你们遭遇急难为何到我这里来呢?Why do you come to me now, when you're in trouble?

现在你们遭遇急难为何到我这里来呢。and why are ye come unto me now when ye are in distress?

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有茶有酒多兄弟,急难何曾见一人。There are tea wine more brothers, trouble ever see a man.

在急难中,一切追逼她的人将她追上了。All her pursuers have overtaken her In the midst of distress.

我在急难中求告耶和华,他就应允我,把我安置在宽阔之地。In my anguish I cried to the Lord , and he answered by setting me free.

就是在急难时我嘴唇所发的,口中所许的。Which my lips have uttered, and my mouth hath spoken, when I was in trouble.

他们于急难中一哀求上主,上主即拯救他们脱离困苦。Then they cried to the Lord in anguish, and he rescued them from their distress.

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海外急难援助服务与本保险起止日期一致。The insurance period of AXA assistance service should be consist with this policy.

我是我家乡“性暴力与虐待急难事务顾问中心”的律师志愿者,已经5年多时间。I was a volunteer advocate at the rape and abuse crisis center in my tow for over 5 years.

被保险人应尽其最大努力减轻急难状况之影响。Insured shall be obliged to use reasonable efforts to mitigate the effects of an emergency.

我们可愿照这应许的,接受这福份﹖那麽在急难时,会发现这应许的确有效。Can we accept this promise as sure?Then in our present emergency we shall find that it stands fast.

阿,他们在急难中寻求你。你的惩罚临到他们身上,他们就倾心吐胆祷告你。LORD, in trouble have they visited thee, they poured out a prayer when thy chastening was upon them.

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据说,一个人在急难中,或困顿苦恼的时候,上帝会敲他的门---敲他的心扉。There is a saying that if a man is in hardship or afflictive period, god may knock his door, striking his heart.

惊恐临到你们,好象狂风,灾难来到,如同暴风,急难痛苦临到你们身上。When panic strikes you like a storm, and your calamity comes like a whirlwind, when distress and anguish come upon you.

地震包急难包你准备好了吗?面对现实,这是一个超级擅长遗忘的国家。Have you prepared your emergency pack for earthquake? Let's face the reality, this is a super forgetful country we live in.

如同飞出地狱的使者,他敏捷地起身,变为一只蝙蝠,心急难耐地匆忙飞向受害者的小屋。Like an angel of hell, he rises swiftly, and changing into a bat, flies pell-mell to the cottage of his tantalizing victims.

在科罗森众多的行政区当中都有著他们自己的急难救援队,处理在这个高度人口密集的星球上发生的紧急事故。The numerous civic districts of Coruscant maintain their own Rescue Op teams in case of emergencies common on heavily populated planets.

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慈济志工赶往现场,发放了生活包与急难救助金,让他们度过难关。Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at the scene to distribute daily necessities and emergency funds, and help the victims meet their most urgent needs.

海豹部队拥有光荣的历史,其前身——蛙人曾在二战中为美军扫清了许多滩头阵地,但是此后它却成为一只精英部队,专门执行美国最急难险重的任务。NEW YORK – Navy SEALs started as frogmen clearing beaches in World War II, but have since become an elite corps performing America’s most delicate tasks.

那日是忿怒的日子,是急难困苦的日子,是荒废凄凉的日子,是黑暗,幽冥,密云,乌黑的日子。That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness