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妈咪出口夫人巴克撷取一些水。Mommy exits to fetch Mrs. Barker some water.

与此DVD的开膛手,你可以撷取的CSS保护的DVD电影。With this DVD Ripper, you can Rip CSS protected DVD movies.

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建议的解决方法是预先撷取快取的资讯。Pre-fetching cached information is the recommended workaround.

因此,撷取的客户群是转折点。So that , capturing that group of customers is the tipping point.

非自动存取子会要求您明确地撷取资料。Nonautomatic accessors require you to explicitly retrieve the data.

确定程度且以文字为基础的撷取系统已经完成。This has been done in text-based retrieval systems to a certain degree.

从中撷取你所需要的信息,倾注时间和注意力。Get the information you need and give the issue your time and attention.

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所有的照片都是撷取自适马SD1特别网站开场幻灯片。All the photos are captured from Sigma SD1 special site opening slideshow.

你不必在一个伟大城市终老就可撷取其精华。You don't have to live in a great city your whole life to benefit from it.

撷取讯息前,会清除或删除目的伫列。The destination queue is purged or deleted before the message is retrieved.

如果有另一位使用者要求相同的资料,则会从快取中撷取资料。If another user requests the same data, the data is retrieved from the cache.

撷取与指定之金钥识别码子句相符的安全性权杖。Retrieves the security token that matches the specified key identifier clause.

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撷取清单检视控制项内特定项目的周框。Retrieves the bounding rectangle for a specific item within the list view control.

如果项目不在快取中,就再次撷取该项目并将该项目加回快取中。If it is not in the cache, you retrieve the item again and add it back to the cache.

说明如何撷取仅限反映的内容中的自订属性资讯。Explains how to retrieve custom attribute information in the reflection-only context.

使用指定的文化特性名称,撷取已快取的唯读文化特性执行个体。Retrieves a cached, read-only instance of a culture using the specified culture name.

从网际网路上撷取资讯,相反地,是仅在文字的提示上的基础。Retrieval of information on the Web, conversely, has been based only on textual clues.

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撷取几则国外知名企业在营销中的绝妙招数,为赢得市场提供了成功机遇。Examples of sale unigue tactics made by famous enterprises in the world are introduced.

能于浏览文章后撷取重要资讯,并瞭解详细的指示或建议等。CAN scan texts for relevant information, and understand detailed instructions or advice.

资料系结是可让使用者处理从资料库撷取资料的一种机制。Databinding is a mechanism that allows users to work with data retrieved from a database.