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占地面积100余亩。Area 100 Chinese acres.

占地面积2314平方米。Covers 2314 square meters.

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占地面积14公顷。Its area is equal to 14 hectares.

沈阳是中国东北辽宁省的省会,这个薰衣草园的占地面积约333公顷。The park covers an area of 333 hectares.

而且甘蔗比玉米的占地少。And sugarcane needs less land than maize.

它的占地面积有七万五千平方米。It covers an area of 75,000 square meters.

整个电解铝厂占地面积为190公顷.The area of the whole territory is 190 ha.

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现代生物废品处理站的占地面积很大。It takes up a total land area of 583 acres.

兰亭占地面积达30000平方米。Lanting covers an area of 30000 square meters.

占地面积小,投资低,效果好。Small floor space iow investment and good effects.

现在,我们的工厂占地约5,000平方公尺。Now, our factory floor is about 5,000 square meters.

我们的工厂占地约5,000平方公尺。Our factory floor area is about 5,000 square meters.

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生产基地占地面积5600平方米。Production base covers an area of 5600 square meters.

中国占地面积达九百六十万平方公里。China covers an area of 9.6 million square kilometres.

他的蓝图包括一个占地数英亩的区域。His blue-prints pictured a space covering several acres.

里维埃拉高玛拉总部占地面积达到14公顷。In total, the Riviera Coomera facility covers 14 hectares.

以取代您的磨损或布厂占地面积。To replace your factory covers an "area" of wear or cloth.

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这座五边形的建筑本身占地29英亩。The five-sided structure itself covers an area of 29 acres.

占地24英亩,由汉热娱乐公司所有。It occupies 24 acres and is owned by Harrah’s Entertainment.

公司占地面积22000平方米,拥有员工300名。The company covers 22000 square meters, employs 300 workers.