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鞋类慈善网站soles4souls.org则把鞋子送往受灾地区。 is sending shoes.

中方是否还会向非洲受灾国提供新的援助?Will China provide further assistance?

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受灾国的灾难应对能力。Affected country's disaster response capability.

救灾物资继续源源不断涌入受灾国。Aid continues to pour into the devastated country.

人群围聚在受灾现场。The crowds gathered about the scene of the disaster.

让我们赞扬那些勇敢的受灾群众和家庭。Praise the bravery of the victims and their families.

梅雷杜县是受灾最严重的地区之一。The town of Meureudu was among the hardest hit areas.

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受灾国对灾难的反应。Status of affected country's response to the disaster.

按我的估计受灾的面积还不到十分之一。To my estimate, not one tenth of the area is affected.

受灾地区属于地震活动区。The affected area is part of a seismically active zone.

该震动导致受灾地区大范围停电。The tremor caused widespread blackouts in affected areas.

江西遭受暴雨袭击,至少70人死亡,数百万人受灾。At least 70 dead, millions affected in S China rainstorms.

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北京市西南部的房山区受灾最重。The southwestern district of Fangshan was the hardest hit.

与受灾国联系的地点。Points of contact within the affected country's government.

我们新派遣一组护理人员开赴受灾最重的地区。We're sending a fresh draft of nurses to the worst hit area.

愿受灾的同胞们早日脱离危险!Is ready to hit the fellow out of danger as soon as possible!

截至23日中午,共有27乡镇28万余人受灾,2万多间房屋受损,4人受伤。More than 20000 homes were damaged and 4 people were injured.

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鹰嘴豆,小麦,高粱和玉米就是其中的一些受灾农作物。Chickpea, wheat, sorghum and corn are among the crops affected.

接近一半以上的人都住在五个受灾的省份。Nearly half the population live in the five disaster-hit states.

我们必须增加给受灾地区的救灾物资。We must reinforce the relief material for the disaster-hit area.